It is a little ironic to suggest that one can fund elections and legislation to end the funding of elections and legislation...

Like the "war to end all wars" at the beginning of the 20th century, followed by yet another war roughly designed to do the same thing, followed by 50 years of cold war, ending in a series of "hot little wars".

That is not to say that i don't like the idea of removing money from politics (if it is possible)... just the form of this is filled with irony. $2.5M seems like a healthy chunk of change, but I doubt it goes very far in this domain?

So, just to be clear, with the money you give them, they will fund the campaigns of (any) candidates who promise to support campaign finance reform. Then once those politicians who promised that are elected, they will lobby those (and others) to pass such legislation (even if it means constitutional amendments)... perhaps even helping to write such legislation. Is that the gist? Am I missing anything?

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