Sorry, everybody. 


I guess my question could be stated more broadly, with perhaps some saving
of your time in the long run.  How do I decide if a piece of software,
available on the internet is safe or not?  I guess one can look for reviews
on "reputable" sites, but then how does one recognize a reviewing site as
reputable. ?  I suppose one could look at the webpage of the software maker
and see if the software is being regularly updated, etc.  What about the
site on which the software is hosted?  Does that give a clue Does Source
Forge screen it's software?  If so, I couldn't see any sign of that on the
Source forge page.  


Perhaps if one of you would provide an answer to me on this general
question, it would you all being bothered by particular versions of it later






Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University


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