Someone has to ask it:

Anyone else read the thread tittle as What's the diagnosis for asthma?

On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Nick Thompson <>

> Glen thinks that atheists and theists are delusional.  My claim is that
> agnostics are non-existent.   From which it follows, I guess that all
> humans
> are delusional.
> I am ok with that.
> N
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Marcus G.
> Daniels
> Sent: Friday, December 26, 2014 4:57 PM
> To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] clinical diagnosis of [a]theism?
> Glen writes:
> ``Well, my specific problem is that I think atheists and theists are
> delusional.  They think they know things they cannot know.  So, if Nick's
> point is that the concept of "theist" (or "atheist") is too muddy to define
> validatable[*] tests for, then, as an agnostic, I would completely agree.''
> Let's say I have a program and it does something that I don't expect.
> Someone says it is the witchcraft from a particular gal that works on the
> HVAC system.
> I ask "Is it because the computer got too hot?   Did she fail to keep the
> air conditioning running properly?"   They respond, "No, it's not the
> temperature, it's the witchcraft."   I look in the index of the instruction
> set under W and under remote access protocols, interrupt mechanisms, etc.
> Nothing.   I keep removing degrees of freedom from the code and environment
> and all of my suggestions are rejected by my peer as "Not an instance of
> witchcraft."   I ask for suggestions on how to prove that witchcraft is at
> work and they just show me pictures of their witch suspects and give me a
> pamphlet on building big fires.   Meanwhile, I discover a simple,
> mechanical, explanation for why the program isn't doing what I expect, fix
> it, and tell the growing mob of witch burners about what I discovered.
>  (Of
> course, their explanation is that they were successful in intimidating the
> witch and she was forced to release me from her spell.)
> It should be possible to associate with any proposition a probability
> function that takes as arguments other routines that describe how to
> perform
> an experiment and the result of that experiment.   The details of the
> experiment routines should be provided and should not include "call a
> friend" or reference anything that is already known or obvious.    All
> functions and routines should be written down before doing the experiment.
> It should be possible that by sweeping over the space of unknowns
> (potential
> inputs) in the experiment routines to get some probabilities near zero and
> some near one.
> The refusal or inability to write these functions and routines is an
> indicator that the speaker is full of it and would rather talk about
> witches.
> When cornered on a question, can the believer justify or change their
> belief?
> Marcus
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