Victoria writes:

"So any belief other than one's own is a delusion?" 

Subjective experience must run counter to objective evidence to get this label. 
 A belief that can be represented by a set of features, understandable by 
independent observers in a repeatable way is not a delusion.  If someone wants 
to bind a name like Seraphim to such a set of features, they may, provided the 
other observers agree that name is not confused with other useful names.   But 
if no features are described in detail, there is no way to tabulate evidence or 
cross-check the tabulations.   Faith creates names for things, and constraints 
amongst things which either can't be grounded in evidence or must endure being 
mistaken.  One way to endure is by recruiting more people to have affinity for 
those ungrounded names and constraints.


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