It's analagous to pets - you raise them (sometimes) from bottle-feeding and 
they live to old age - and they die long before you are ready.  Sure, there are 
the occasional turtles and parrots that outlive their owners - COBOL has long 
outlived Grace Hopper - but most computer languages come and go within their 
authors and certainly users professional lifetimes.  Sometimes you babysit 
somebody else's pet while they're on vacation or something - the other thread 
on the cube comic points this out - only a few of us have ever worked with 
SNOBOL (and we probably didn't like it that much).  I started with Algol, moved 
on to COBOL, assembled various flavours,  did some Fortran (various flavours), 
then CMS II (a regression), C, C++, Java (swore at Grady), and then a 
succession of scripting languages (none of which have stuck).  My strangest 
language experience was A Programming Language (APL) - oh the damage one can do 
in almost no code.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
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On Jul 11, 2015, at 8:41 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

> This is sorta sad:
> ​    ​
> ​Applets: They're dead Jim.
> Sad mainly from a history standpoint: Java built a really ​fascinating cross 
> platform, VM based, language & libraries.
> JS is now the current winner. But then, there's Web Assembly which will 
> provide a path for all languages to replace JS in the browser and in Node.js.
> Sigh.
>    -- Owen
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