“Having said that well I for one can only speculate why java has/had a history 
of not caching on”



Btw, Web Assembly is just mimicking what .NET (and Mono) have been able to do 
for 10 years.

From: Friam [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] On Behalf Of Gillian Densmore
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 7:35 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] [EXTERNAL] Applets · NetLogo/NetLogo Wiki
. Though I am amused how the web has managed to go full circle.
Why do I say that, it seems as if the goal to applets and node is simillar to: 

DHTML, was ahead it's time because you could make pages yes even those, the 
ones that beeped-to what became known as a blog.

They also seem to want to get things running in the browser like MS bugy gem's


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 7:14 PM, Gillian Densmore 
<gil.densm...@gmail.com<mailto:gil.densm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
One could say:
  print.out("arg YANFL");

but the joke might not compile.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Parks, Raymond 
<rcpa...@sandia.gov<mailto:rcpa...@sandia.gov>> wrote:
In my case, I was asked to help the Comptrollers (Air Force speak for 
accountants) to optimize the code because they were using an IBM emulator on a 
Honeywell 6800 and their APL programs were bogging down the entire system.    
Oh, what tangled web we create, when first we try to emulate - or, perhaps, 
there was another fine mess they got me into.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
V: 505-844-4024<tel:505-844-4024>  M: 505-238-9359<tel:505-238-9359>  P: 
NIPR: rcpa...@sandia.gov<mailto:rcpa...@sandia.gov>
SIPR: rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov<mailto:rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov> (send 
NIPR reminder)
JWICS: dopa...@doe.ic.gov<mailto:dopa...@doe.ic.gov> (send NIPR reminder)

On Jul 13, 2015, at 4:33 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

I programmed in APL while at Xerox in the 70's.  Although "dangerous" it was 
really fast to program in, especially as a domain specific language, so to 
speak.  It got so that if you couldn't do a one-liner for anything you wanted 
to do, you'd be disappointed!

Interestingly enough, it was the Finance dept of Xerox that first started using 
it, and then it leaked into the labs where it went viral.

SmallTalk was sorta the same, really great but hard to deploy initially, but 
really loved in the labs.

   -- Owen

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Parks, Raymond 
<rcpa...@sandia.gov<mailto:rcpa...@sandia.gov>> wrote:
It's analagous to pets - you raise them (sometimes) from bottle-feeding and 
they live to old age - and they die long before you are ready.  Sure, there are 
the occasional turtles and parrots that outlive their owners - COBOL has long 
outlived Grace Hopper - but most computer languages come and go within their 
authors and certainly users professional lifetimes.  Sometimes you babysit 
somebody else's pet while they're on vacation or something - the other thread 
on the cube comic points this out - only a few of us have ever worked with 
SNOBOL (and we probably didn't like it that much).  I started with Algol, moved 
on to COBOL, assembled various flavours,  did some Fortran (various flavours), 
then CMS II (a regression), C, C++, Java (swore at Grady), and then a 
succession of scripting languages (none of which have stuck).  My strangest 
language experience was A Programming Language (APL) - oh the damage one can do 
in almost no code.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
V: 505-844-4024<tel:505-844-4024>  M: 505-238-9359<tel:505-238-9359>  P: 
NIPR: rcpa...@sandia.gov<mailto:rcpa...@sandia.gov>
SIPR: rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov<mailto:rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov> (send 
NIPR reminder)
JWICS: dopa...@doe.ic.gov<mailto:dopa...@doe.ic.gov> (send NIPR reminder)

On Jul 11, 2015, at 8:41 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

This is sorta sad:
​    ​
​Applets: They're dead Jim.

Sad mainly from a history standpoint: Java built a really ​fascinating cross 
platform, VM based, language & libraries.

JS is now the current winner. But then, there's Web Assembly which will provide 
a path for all languages to replace JS in the browser and in Node.js.


   -- Owen

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