Speaking of Windows, a "button" has recently appeared on my Windows 7
machine which appears to download and install Windows 10.  Any


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On Jul 17, 2015 1:52 PM, "Gillian Densmore" <gil.densm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not a bash on Windows!
> History:
> I've used linux in the past, and decided to experiment because my desktop
> a Dell has some kind of Gremlin on the windows side that causes it to
> reboot on it's own.
> Being concerned it's a hardware problem first hit control-delete to see if
> anything stood out, cache files, or to many apps running in the background
> etc.
> Only thing that stood out that I could tell was with nothing running and
> it just idle it'd creap up from about 30% ram used to about 40%
> Mixed in firefox because I like the session save and restore addon it'd
> hover around 40% and my games would easly push it to about 55-60% used.
> By used in the pased I meen KDE 2.0 I think it was when I'd start my  fun
> box I'd get a mysterius line that said username@bash(or somesuch) and to
> get to xorg typed in start x, and flash didn't play with I think it was
> Mandrake (no idea what number)
> Why:
> Why not? Plus it be useful to see if it has a buried gremlin.
> Results:
> I had Ubuntu 1405 Trusty I think it is.
> Sufficed to say Ubuntu is growing on me, and after about 4-5 days of doing
> my routine things mostly works. *yeah*
> Just to see if it's a hardware issue decided  to spin up chromium, then
> Chrome with random google searches ,and tossed in a bunch of tabs in
> firefox, and my old ooold del  from 07 or so. No crash, no bluescreen.
> *yeeeah*
> Questions:
> I'm not particularly familiar with chromium, and not maried to it as a
> browser iether. I didn't see where it might have somethlike addblock. I ask
> because websites I might typically go to (google, bing git, wordpress.com
> etc) hadd all sorts of inline adds, that I gather addblock on FireFox keeps
> out*yeeeah*
> ============================================================
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