On 08/06/2015 12:08 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
>> I don't think that's true at all.  It's not the voluntary movement that 
>> concerns most.  It's the involuntary movement that concerns most, especially 
>> liberals, because most liberals (I think) tend to give more weight to 
>> unintential or coincident circumstances than most conservatives.
> Would these be the canonical "knee jerk liberals"?  Or the neologistical 
> "knee jerk conservatives"?

Although I appreciate the pun (is it a pun? can a 2 word phrase be a pun?  I 
was surprised that a 2 word phrase can be an oxymoron.), I'd guess it might be 
related to the DRD4 gene and the preference some have for new exploratory 
experiences.  I can imagine that anyone open to new experiences would tend to 
give more weight to coincidences and happenstance than someone less open to new 

> The latter would be the ammunition, not the guns, right?   Once, dynamite was 
> a "weapon of choice" until the industry came up with a way of "tagging" it 
> such that even after "rapid disassembly" one could determine the stick or 
> case of Dynamite it came from and with good record keeping who purchased it 
> and therefore used it or allowed it to be (stolen and?) used.   Is there an 
> equivalent for ammunition?   I suppose anyone can pour their own bullets, so 
> that doesn't work well...  One might be able to design "signature rifling" 
> that causes new guns to always throw a "tagged slug" (what about metal-jacket 
> slugs?)... or perhaps tagging the gunpowder (similar to dynamite?) with 
> "mixing your own powder" being similar in challenge to making your own high 
> explosive to avoid the tagging problem?

Yes, ammunition is also part of the material cause.  Regulating ammunition is, 
I think, in the same category as regulating guns, except for the added 
environmental aspect.  Parts of the forest up here are absolutely loaded (!) 
with slugs from idiots firing their guns for no reason ... as if they were toys.

⇒⇐ glen e. p. ropella
So pour some coins in my crater

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