On 08/05/2015 12:49 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
"Useless anecdote:  I opened the fridge one day and noticed the CO2 regulator on the keg was broken.  I 
asked my office mate about it.  He said: "Yeah, the regulator broke."  I asked: "It just 
spontaneously broke all by itself?"  He didn't respond."

And the keg _in the office_?  It just got there all by itself?

What are you implying?  Are you saying that the alcohol (materially) caused the 
broken regulator?  And hence the efficient blame lies on the agent who placed 
the alcohol there?  Pfft!  If anything, alcohol is a depressant and would 
stabilize the motor control system of the consumer so as to make regulator 
breakage _less_ likely.  Something like carbonated kombucha is way more 
dangerous, in my not so humble opinion.

⇔ glen

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