In the early days of Linux there was a period where they fastest way to figure 
out what was going on was to grab the source and study it.   Contrast that with 
the current world of Stack Exchange and Google.    There’s enough information 
out there that I suspect many people may never learn to do careful analysis.    
They can get by on poke and prod, and the industry drivers for intellectual 
property reinforces that behavior.  Not that anyone really is “taught” to 
program -- at least that is worth hiring -- but it is sad to see computer 
science diluted in this way.  I’ve helped someone through the current Harvard 
CS-50 curriculum and, no, SICP it ain’t.

From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Roger Critchlow
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 1:30 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Tagged "Get off my lawn!"

I think it's pretty funny.  The singularity happened before the millennium, 
when our libraries outgrew our ability to thoroughly test or understand them.  
In mere decades the artificial universe, starting from nothing, had become as 
mysterious as reality.

-- rec --

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Gary Schiltz 
<<>> wrote:
In the words of the (in)famous Ross Perot, "Now, that's just sad."

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 1:57 PM, glen 
<<>> wrote:

Programming by poking: why MIT stopped teaching SICP

⛧ glen

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