On 05/11/2016 06:45 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Most us have to stay on top of things, though.  Hopefully, though, it is not 
> the only thing.

I wonder about the use of the word "have".  A particular person with whom I'm 
currently forced to interact, keeps his nose stuck in his phone and ear buds in 
his ears all day every day.  He claims he _has_ to do this because if he 
doesn't he grows anxious ... to the extent of panic attacks.  He claims he 
needs constant stimulus for his emotional well-being.  It's akin to the fasting 
experiments I started recently.  Prior to those experiments, I thought I _had_ 
to eat every day.  I felt like I got "hangry", as Renee's co-workers call it, 
where "low blood sugar" made one irritable.  But by purposefully denying myself 
food for growing amounts of time, I discovered that I was simply addicted to my 
habits ... stuck in my comfort zone.  I now believe the evidence (which I've 
always known about, but ignored) that people (including me) can live just fine 
for quite awhile without food.

I wonder how many of us who have to stay on top of things, are similarly 

But then again, head hunters are not knocking down my door looking for 
expertise in things like Mean.io, either. 8^)

⛧ glen

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