"So, I'm glad it's all peek&poke these days.  It means we're builing shoulders 
on which later generations stand.  The opposite situation would be _sad_, say 
if everyone had to learn quantum mechanics just to add numbers together ... or 
if everyone had to know how to surface mount with a hot plate in order to post 
to Facebook ... well, OK, that might be a good thing, actually ... but you get 
my point."

One can learn to program in, say, Python without understanding a given machine 
instruction set.    One can even learn a subset, and have a correct 
understanding of some of its syntax and semantics and little or no 
understanding of other parts.   That doesn't mean that learning the rest is 
pointless, or that learning a machine language couldn't give a Python 
programmer deeper and useful insight into why some constructs are slow and 
others are fast.   Or that learning about digital circuit design couldn't give 
insight into what makes a machine instruction set energy efficient.  Or that 
learning quantum mechanics couldn't give some insight into what makes circuits 
work the way they do.   All these tools can be useful and the connections 
between them are some of the most interesting and useful things to know.   This 
trend toward "industry relevant" knowledge is just to say the graph should be 
chopped up into consumable sound bites without regard to their coherence or 
utility for learning
  other things.   
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