The recent filing of Ryan Bundy scared me a little bit:

We're breeding these people, somehow.  Granted the 'sovereign citizens' are 
very different from the Trumpists and the mass shooters.  But I can't shake the 
feeling they're related.  They (Trumpists, mass shooters, 'sovereign citizens', 
3%-ers, anti-abortionists, oath keepers, etc.) all seem to make the immune 
system analogy, thinking they're  playing the role of the immune system and 
"government" (as well as liberals) are the infection.  But your Hodgkin's 
metaphor might work well, there.  They take some normal ligand like an oath, 
badge, or moral stance and modify its function for a slightly different 
purpose.  (Is the oath/badge the ligand or the receptor?)

On 08/02/2016 08:49 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> "In this context, mass shootings, fascism, kids who can't hold down jobs 
> walking around with vape pipes in their mouths and earbuds in their ears, 
> etc. are all evidence that evolution is searching for a _new_ solution to the 
> new problem."
> The auto-immune analogy would seem say that the government was off the rails 
> and destroying good tissue.   Perhaps this is just more like an infection and 
> the news media all over the mass shootings, for example, is like antibodies 
> tagging an antigen.    I said programmed cell death because I was thinking of 
> Hodgkin lymphoma co-opting  antitumoral response to prevent immune 
> surveillance.   The injection of cognitive dissonance and distraction into 
> the media (Trump noise) seems like that kind of downregulation of a normal 
> immune response to let cancer cells proliferate. 
> I don't know how reproduction rates change during world wars or civil wars.  
> One might expect that reproduction rates would go up.   Evolution could be 
> looking for a way to make them go down, and I think vape pipes have to be a 
> part of that!

☢ glen

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