/... //Must be terrifying to someone like Putin.   Almost feel sorry
   for him.  Merkel and Clinton to telling him what to do all the time.


If only we could get Stephen Colbert and Tina Fey on the ballot... and into the oval office... sure we'd have to fill the coveted Late Show slot, but then I think they would take most of the Republican Votes and all of the Democrat votes and a lot of the independents for a total landslide.

Fey could seduce Putin while in Palin drag, thus nullifying him... keep him busy flying around Eastern Russia hunting Siberian Wolves from a Soviet era gunship (take out entire packs with a single strafing run).

We'd *still* be the laughing stock of the world, but at least they would be laughing *with* us, not (just) *at* us!

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