I think there more Pros than Cons, and the cultural & business advantage of
equal trade laws across the 12 nations is likely to surpass any trade

On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com>

> A disagreement may be lurking here, if you assume that wealth and
> capability are the same.   Or even if you assume that they are highly
> correlated.  Or even if you assume that the causal arrow is from capability
> to wealth.
> I’m making the distinction because in many situations wealth may well be a
> result of anti-competitive and unfair practices.  (I understand the TPP has
> some text about leveling the playing field with regard to anti-trust laws,
> but I haven’t looked at the language myself.)  I don’t assume the casual
> arrow is from capability to wealth, but it seems worth considering that the
> world in which it causally related is better than one in which it is not,
> and that efforts like the TPP could at least in principle facilitate that.
> [..]
> And the political destabilization could perhaps be better managed by also
> developing the control system in a globalized way.
> Not sure what you mean by this.  Can you say more?
> It can be understood in a community, in the U.S., or across a set of trade
> partners, that underskilled individuals can be retrained to be skilled
> workers.   With federal law leading the way, dispense with the idea that a
> person should be expected to learn everything they need to know by 25, and
> if they fail to they are stuck with a limited set of options.   Some of
> these things aren’t just policy things, but social norms that I think just
> don’t work anymore.    Retraining, and learning in general, should be
> considered patriotic and rewarded, along the lines of programs that find
> work for veterans.
> Marcus
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