I was going to "scoff" at this number and analysis until I checked MY favorite source and saw what people who were putting their money where their mouths are were saying:


Iowa Electronic Markets Daily Price Graph for the Winner Take All model...

Daily Price Graph

Is that chasm recently formed, the FBI's "October Surprise"? There sure is a lot of volatility!

I'm going to go do my early voting today... while cursing the lack of a Ranked Choice Voting scheme... but voting *for* the concept of 3rd party viability...

Gary and Jill only need 5% of the vote to get their party's funding and automatic ballot inclusion next round.

From the FEC website: http://www.fec.gov/press/bkgnd/fund.shtml


   The presidential nominee of each major party may become eligible for
   a public grant of $20,000,000 plus COLA (over 1974). For 2012, the
   grant was approximately $91,241,400 for each major party nominee.
   However, the two major party presidential nominees in 2012 opted out
   of the public financing program in the general election. Candidates
   themselves may not raise any other funds to be used for campaigning
   during the general election period. The general election limit for
   publicly funded candidates for 2016 is $96,140,600.

   Public grants of $18,248,300 went to each of the major parties for
   their conventions in 2012. On April 3, 2014, President Barack Obama
   signed legislation to end the public funding of presidential
   nomination conventions.

   Since no third-party candidate received 5% of the vote in the 2008
   presidential election, only the Republican and Democratic parties
   were eligible for 2012 convention grants, and only their nominees
   were eligible to receive grants for the general election once they
   were nominated. Third-party candidates could qualify for public
   funds retroactively if they received 5% or more of the vote in the
   general election.

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