I'll add some context.  Once upon a time (or at least so I thought), big-L Libertarians were actually libertarians.  This was 
back when truly independent (i.e. crazy) people were welcome and celebrated at Libertarian conventions.  It used to be "the 
party of principle".  So, in the good old days, it was not a joke at all.  The Libertarians could be counted on to refuse 
privileges that were obviously "dirty" (like tax money which is "forcibly" extracted from unwilling 
citizens).  But somewhere along the way, the Libertarian party (and the word "libertarian") was hijacked and 
infiltrated by standard right wingers who saw an opportunity to make their repugnant views more socially acceptable.  When that 
happened, the Libertarians lost their principles and became a kind of softer set of right wingers.  And those people are 
perfectly willing to engage in "dirty" dealings (like accepting federal funding) when it suits them.

On 11/04/2016 01:21 PM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
Just joking that Libertarians (ie libbies) should refuse to take campaign 
funding from the government and refuse to participate in government run 
elections, or they're clearly acting as LINO's (Libertarians In Name Only).  
Sorry, it was an old joke the first time.

    __ _

    Aren't the libbies constitutionally required to disdain funding from the 
government?  Seems like they should disdain elections, too, hold out for 
victory by acclamation?____

☣ glen

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