I *love* the bubble!

Joy is Hope's best friend.

BTW: I realize I've posted this in the past, and my version of it uses
s/fuck/damn/. But I've only got a limited number of Damn's to give, and the
fewer, the stronger.

So I just don't give a Damn about the president, no matter who. I have too
few to give. My first Damn is for Love & Compassion, kinda weak I realize
but then I think I can stop war by being peaceful myself. It all starts at

So how are your Damn's coming along?

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:

> The funny part of this -- there are actually many funny parts, but I'll
> save some for later -- the immediately funny part is that I've been
> literally living in a bubble for a week now.  I attach a degraded cell
> phone image as demonstration.
> And, no, we are not sailing off in the near future.  It would waste the
> money we spent on the nifty bubble, and it's sort of hard to get out of the
> marina at this point.
> Anyway, I have high expectations for The Political Apprentice.
> -- rec --
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net>
> wrote:
>> OTOH: California, Massachusetts and Nevada legalized marijuana.
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