Welp, just sitting around shaking my head this morning, think I'll take out
the trash.

-- rec --

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 6:38 AM, Steven A Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

> Marcus -
> It would appear that your fears were more founded than I could have
> imagined.
> It would also seem that I was standing in the wrong lane staring down the
> headlights (again).
>     <schmeeeaarrrrrr!>
> Small solace, but I am pretty sure Gary took more Trump votes in every
> case than Jill took Hillary ones, if that is not an oversimplification.  If
> there were any spoilers, it was probably in States where Gary split the
> vote on Trump, giving it to Hillary.
> To me, there is a paradox in the apparent fact that Populism seems to
> always support or lead to Fascism.  And now "here we go!"
> <<What I hear pretty exclusively is "I won't vote for them because nobody
> else is voting for them" or maybe even more pointedly "I won't listen to
> them because nobody else is listening to them".>>
> I have been far more afraid of a major regression to our democracy than
> any compulsion to pursue the kind of progressive efforts I would try to
> advance.   I don't think my fear was misplaced.    I take some comfort that
> I was not alone in this.   Kind of like that feeling after 9/11 that minor
> disagreements were silly and irrelevant.    Will have to find a way to
> navigate all this.  Sigh.
> Marcus
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Friam <friam-boun...@redfish.com> <friam-boun...@redfish.com> on
> behalf of Steven A Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> <sasm...@swcp.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 8, 2016 5:16:56 PM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Trump Is Just A Normal Polling Error Behind
> Clinton | FiveThirtyEight
> Glen -
> I appreciate the nuance here.
> I have been dealing with crypto-fascists all of my life... we have
> discussed the libertarian vs the Libertarian,  I have endured the years
> where Lefty political correctness was approaching fascism and I have had to
> endure the Righty style fascism that seems to be hitting a crescendo under
> the rallying cry of that "man-child" running for president.
> I isolate myself enough in daily life so as NOT to have to spend too many
> cycles on this constant interpretation, for those who do not have that
> luxury, I understand that this can be deeply painful to the psyche if not
> the soul.
> I refer you to the musical observations of the philosophers known as "They
> Might be Giants":
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow-nuHCTA5E
> Unfortunately, *I* believe that the language we use in our communication
> deeply informs the language we use to think... and that by adjusting our
> discourse with others can lead us to think (for better or worse)
> differently.  I believe that the damage being done to our culture today is
> as much the way our thinking is modified by this presidential race as it is
> the possible outcomes.   We are leading ourselves to believe that our only
> two choices are to become a xenophobic, retrograde, bigoted people or to
> continue with a status quo which is clearly not serving many, many people
> very well.
> While I don't completely agree with or support Jill and the Greens, I DO
> appreciate the alternative rhetoric they have offered.  Her *very* low
> polling indicates to me that either *many* of us really aren't willing to
> think outside of one of the two boxes offered to us, OR, there is something
> specifically wrong with their message that *I* am not getting?
> What I hear pretty exclusively is "I won't vote for them because nobody
> else is voting for them" or maybe even more pointedly "I won't listen to
> them because nobody else is listening to them".
> - Steve
> On 11/8/16 8:25 AM, ┣glen┫ wrote:
> Right.  It's not quite right to suggest that switching codes is bimodal or 
> bivalent.  I think it's more of a spectrum, at least in an informal sense.  
> If we were talking about a person trying to communicate a complex idea in a 
> non-native language then switching to their native language, that would be 
> more bimodal.  But I'm talking more about, eg, realizing in the middle of a 
> conversation that you're talking to a crypto-fascist who puts up a good 
> veneer at first, then reveals their fascism over the course of the 
> conversation.  When I realize it, I switch, either to something that will 
> completely alienate the person, or to language that makes me sound more like 
> a fascist, depending on how I feel at the time.
> Marcus' idea of a an interpreter vs. languages closer to the bare metal is, I 
> think, akin to Nick's idea of imaginary vs. factual.  And the gist is solid.  
> There's a very high overhead interpreting through many layers of abstraction 
> or entertaining imaginary worlds through the suspension of disbelief.  It's a 
> luxury we can't always afford.  But both assume there exists a bare metal.  
> I'm a constructivist, for the most part, and believe all our languages are 
> interpreted and there really is no such thing as a natural, close to the 
> metal, machine code.  There are no linguistic or cognitive facts, only action 
> facts.  And this may be closer to what you're trying to say, because that 
> means that we are always interacting through an interpreter, albeit sometimes 
> many layers out vs. only a few layers out.
> On 11/07/2016 08:05 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> I guess I already feel I have to "code switch" all the time already...  I 
> have to speak a pidgin of Left/Right/Green/Libertarian/Anarchist just to 
> communicate with my friends and colleagues on these matters.  I understand 
> and agree that in world D, the emergent patois will be much less 
> familiar/comfortable than the one I have now and that in world H, it will be 
> much more familiar, less abrupt of a change.  I guess I assumed that Agent G 
> and agent M were more like me in this regard than maybe they are.
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