On 11/18/2016 07:38 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> Like many Trump voters, I'm ready to break our pattern of "business as 
> usual"... but definitely not ready to let a loose cannon like him into the 
> White House.  I'm pretty sure we are about to be in for a wild ride.

If we take Haidt seriously, party identification is a form of parochialism.  
Haidt is basically justifying "identity politics", even that touted by racists 
like this guy: 
  When I listen to Haidt, that's what I hear, no doubt biased by my own 

Marcus admitted to a bit of his own parochialism in a slight preference to buy 
a locally made car.  But (as you and I've talked offline and as Marcus 
mentioned re: twitter), our afferent and efferent graph edges change as 
technology changes.  Brand loyalty (Coke vs. Pepsi, Ford vs. Chevy) is just as 
tribal as anything else.  And, as far as it goes, Haidt is right that in order 
to break one entrenched graph, you have to build another one (complimenting 
your racist uncle Bob before discussing the things you disagree about).  But 
that sort of thing still runs the risks of _essentialism_.

How deep do you go in finding similarities with your "other"?  Do we all end up 
starving and atrophying because we've empathized too much with every plant and 
animal in the world?  That "network limit", whatever it is, is parochialism of 
one form or the other.

Personally, I think Haidt is wrong.  I am opinionated and feel no need to 
empathized with racists like Spencer.  They are rotten, sick, damaged.  And the 
ammunition provided to them by people like Haidt is killing us.  It's not a 
matter of polite disagreement in a theater full of elites at a TED talk or over 
pints at the pub.  It's a matter of life or death.


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