Robert -

Marcus said:

    I would say neoliberalism is trying to engineer biased coins that
    land in a coordinated ways to build something more complex.   One
    way is with trade laws.

You replied:
I think I can partly agree with this statement ... about the biased coin thing. That is the rigging, IMHO; by not making adjustments to the flow of wealth [akin to blood flow in a body] the system gets sicker and sicker. Our economic system is arguably sick now when you consider the body composed of constituents comprising the consumers in the system [the cells, keeping with the metaphor]. To be sure, government does not have to be the institution making the adjustments; the captains if industry should do this first to avoid any necessary government intervention.
In this metaphor, if it is apt, it would appear that the body of our society (first world?) has gone into a sort of self-annihilation, constricting blood flow to parts of the body, as if it doesn't understand that the necrosis which offends it is *caused* by it's treatment of the very organs or extremities it is causing to fail so miserably?
But, do we want to "live" in a world like that? Or, can we evolve /consciously /as a society to find a more inclusive solution? If it plays out as it has throughout history, the anser will be "not likely."
I think this is a candidate for my idea of "a good question". And a corollary might be "what does conscious evolution of a society even mean?". If we knew what it meant, it might just fall into place? As an abstraction it seems most useful as a stalking horse?

- Steve
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