Tesselation vs. approximation: Ah, right.  I was sloppy with my language.  

What you say in the blurb below is questionable because it implies something 
about the representations ... something like an equivalence of expressive power 
or somesuch.  If there is such a thing as expressive power, then a stronger 
representation should not be recoverable from a weaker one.  But I suppose if 
they all are built from the same type of basis set, then multiple weak ones 
allow recovery of strong ones.

I'm always fascinated by the emphasis we (all) place on coherence and internal 
consistency.  It seems like some sort of rhetorical fallacy, perhaps the 
fallacy fallacy.  Perhaps we can arrive at the truth in spite of completely 
flawed (e.g. self-inconsistent) representations?  Even a broken clock (Trump) 
is right (a)periodically.

On 02/21/2017 01:09 PM, Vladimyr Burachynsky wrote:
> In some manner every representation whatever default settings have been 
> applied should be recoverable with every other representation and coherent.
> The more coherent viewpoints the closer the approximation of Truth.

☣ glen

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