[Bernie] "...had a significantly better chance to have kept the Donald
out."  I fear this was too speculative for me to put any money on the line
in Vegas.  If wishes were horses.....


Tom Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
Society of Professional Journalists <http://www.spj.org>
*Check out It's The People's Data
http://www.jtjohnson.com                   t...@jtjohnson.com

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Steven A Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately I agree.
> I was aware of this AS "thoughtless prey" after I got snookered into
> helping Ronald Reagan displace Jimmy Carter for what turned out to be *all
> the wrong reasons*...   It was a painful but good lesson.  I was a mere 22
> at the time.  I could have known better, but I didn't.
> I raised my daughters very carefully to make sure they were not easy prey
> for this kind of stuff, but my older daughter still fell to the populist
> meme that suggested that Hillary was the best choice for president because
> she is a woman and a democrat and "her time had come".   She finally now
> acknowledges that Bernie was very mishandled by both Hillary and the DNC
> and that he had a significantly better chance to have kept the Donald
> out...  but she was adamant right up through the counting and shouting that
> went on through January.
> We are too often the dreaded "sheeple".
> Baaahhaaaa!
> On 4/11/17 4:49 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> Steve writes:
>> < They are popular *because* they are loudmouth jerks with no obvious
>> true moral compass (is that what you mean by scumbag?). >
>> There is a benefit when people that have examined their lives and the
>> world around them lead those that are unable or unwilling to do the same.
>>  Without this leadership, some of the latter group are prone to
>> irresponsible behavior that can bring harm to everyone.   Unfortunately,
>> there is limited incentive to provide this leadership, only the certainty
>> of trouble otherwise.  It is not clear to me how to rebuild these control
>> systems for this century.   It seems to be a burden on productive people.
>>  So what we have instead are populist scumbags who see that all of this
>> ignorance can be exploited for personal gain.  The deeper problem are all
>> the thoughtless prey that need to be herded around and told what to think.
>> The scumbags are just one kind of natural predator.
>> Marcus
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