The scavengers and cannibals end up as  the new aristocrats.

Why did Tillerson even bother to meet Lavrov today...
they are not even in the same weight class. Tillerson looks like a man
running a corner gas station in a rural area of Nebraska. 
Well so Lavrov opened with a history lesson and to remind the world how we
got in this mess.
How did the world elect so many well-groomed idiots following the
fashionable Western Ideologies.

This thread needs a better name, it is not even funny in a black-hearted

Does anyone remember the era of pay toilets. That was one much hated fashion
trend that finally died off.
Evolution of dumb ideas. Extinction of the unfit.

I remember how easy it was to get free parking on campus by using a syringe
of crazy glue to foul the mechanisms
of parking meters, and keep the flag in place. Symbolic thinking has its

Imagine crazy glue under Trump's ass or on his cell phone.
Some dumb ideas just have to come to an end sooner than later.

Fashion trends are currently the substitute for intellect and morality.


-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Marcus Daniels
Sent: April-11-17 7:58 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] How I made my own VPN server in 15 minutes | TechCrunch

There are the sheeple, and then there the people that can't see the forest
for the trees.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Steven A Smith
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:22 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] How I made my own VPN server in 15 minutes | TechCrunch

Unfortunately I agree.

I was aware of this AS "thoughtless prey" after I got snookered into helping
Ronald Reagan displace Jimmy Carter for what turned out to be 
*all the wrong reasons*...   It was a painful but good lesson.  I was a 
mere 22 at the time.  I could have known better, but I didn't.

I raised my daughters very carefully to make sure they were not easy prey
for this kind of stuff, but my older daughter still fell to the populist
meme that suggested that Hillary was the best choice for president because
she is a woman and a democrat and "her time had 
come".   She finally now acknowledges that Bernie was very mishandled by 
both Hillary and the DNC and that he had a significantly better chance to
have kept the Donald out...  but she was adamant right up through the
counting and shouting that went on through January.

We are too often the dreaded "sheeple".


On 4/11/17 4:49 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Steve writes:
> < They are popular *because* they are loudmouth jerks with no obvious 
> true moral compass (is that what you mean by scumbag?). >
> There is a benefit when people that have examined their lives and the
world around them lead those that are unable or unwilling to do the same.
Without this leadership, some of the latter group are prone to irresponsible
behavior that can bring harm to everyone.   Unfortunately, there is limited
incentive to provide this leadership, only the certainty of trouble
otherwise.  It is not clear to me how to rebuild these control systems for
this century.   It seems to be a burden on productive people.   So what we
have instead are populist scumbags who see that all of this ignorance can be
exploited for personal gain.  The deeper problem are all the thoughtless
prey that need to be herded around and told what to think.  The scumbags are
just one kind of natural predator.
> Marcus
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