Interesting.  So, just to repeat back, to see if I understand.  Steve wondered 
if there were (a good) model of the evolution of individuals in political state 
space.  I responded that there are lots of (bad) models.  But the more 
important point is _why_ model that evolution (including models of the 
individuals)?  Steve responded that such models might help first comprehend, 
then manipulate.  Then I responded that to make such comprehension and 
manpulation ethical, the models and manipulations must be transparent.

With this post, you're suggesting a specific mechanism of one such model, I 
presume because you think this mechanism will make the model better ... more 
comprehensive.  And that mechanism is:

• 2 behavior modes, the choice of which depends on whether an agent senses its 
being watched
• part of the "while they're watching" mode is to construct and express a 
complicated mapping between the two modes
• that mapping must hide the modality of the behaviors, perhaps only to a 1st 
order analysis
• that mapping relies on a set of symbols that are ambiguous (multiple meanings)

Then you go a couple of steps further and suggest that, given some objective 
towards which the collective works, such mappings make reaching the objective 
more difficult, inefficient, or completely impossible.  Without the mappings, 
the objective is more easily reached.

Is my repitition adequate?  Or did I miss an important part of your suggestion?

On 04/14/2017 04:36 PM, Vladimyr wrote:
> Create Agents that only behave honestly when they think they are under 
> observation.
> When they think they have been detected they will weave a rationalization out 
> of standard clichés, that appears as if they were honest but mistaken due to 
> ambiguity 
> of language. This prevents honest agents from figuring out what happened.
> Such an agent should cause untold chaos when slipped into any honest 
> collective.
> Over time the collective should disintegrate or be perverted...
> If you can create chaos with only the one kind of pervert imagine if half the 
> population were perverted away from honesty.
> No real need to immerse yourself in a transparent cloak, just sit back and 
> watch.
> vib
> Good luck.
> Then add violent reprisals and you are back to classic game theory... tit for 
> tat.
> These perverts might actually be attempting to evolve into true social 
> parasites. Like Staphylinid beetles in an ant colony.

☣ glen

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