On 04/13/2017 10:44 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> That I'm a likely person to pay two bucks to watch episode-by-episode of 
> Expanse?    Or to want a Tesla?   Not sure who "we" is?

Maybe I'm too dense to grok the subtle criticism.

Walking back up a few branches, Vladimyr made a comment about (I think) 
flocking, mob rules, tribalism, etc.  My response was that the _essentialist_ 
concepts he (many of us, actually) would _like_ to see governing people's 
behavior don't really exist.  What does exist is the trace, the behavior, the 
artifacts.  Do I really care why someone voted for Trump?  No.  Do I care about 
the deeply held secrets that someone thinks (because they believe in 
rationality) ultimately cause their behavior?  No.  What I do care about is how 
likely you are to pay by episode vs. by subscription, whether you're more 
likely to pirate than buy, whether you're an early adopter, etc.  And for that, 
all we need is fashion.  We don't need essentialist things like intellect and 
morality, even if I'm wrong and they exist.

Walking back further, this whole section of the tree branched off of your 
comment that "it depends on what you want to accomplish".  I suspect 99% of the 
targeted ads can be avoided with a slow (yearly?, quarterly?) cycle of 
temporary VPNs running in the cloud (ephemeral IP addresses).  Perhaps 90% of 
it can be avoided just by using HTTPS-Everywhere.  But I'd like something a bit 
deeper, as would most people, I think, even if _only_ to avoid being 
pigeonholed into stereotypes.  Yes, I'm a former libertarian who's become a 
(much hated these days) neoliberal and who's teetering on the edge of social 
democrat (despite knowing democratic socialism is more coherent).  I have a 
similar problem with atheism and other people labeling me that way ... even the 
labels and categorizations others use feels totally inadequate to me ... like 
Nick's unfair condemnation of post-modernism.  I want to avoid all these 
exogenous and fictitious categorizations entirely.  Hence, strong privacy maps 
directly to autotelism and self-governance.

Hopefully that helps.  "We" are the optimizing exploiters who want to sell you 
things/ideas you don't need, while limiting the amount of effort required to 
extract the maximum amount from your wallet.  If we have to coercively 
brainwash you in order to do that, then that brainwashing is just a business 
expense, no more no less.

On a personal note, I have a friend who (as part of his start-up) monitors 
twitter data for sentiment.  In lieu of interpersonal contact, he also uses 
those tools to keep track of his (distal) friends.  As much as my narcissist 
homunculus likes the idea of being microcosmically influential in that way, and 
as much as my dork homunculus likes the idea of such a network monitoring 
ability, the whole idea kinda sickens me ... in the same way Facebook sickens 
me.  Is it dehumanizing to define a person based on their online ephemeris?  Or 
am I just a hyper-sensitive, delicate snowflake?

☣ glen
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