Dave -
So far, at least as far as my definition of truth is concerned it is confined to a singular entity(system). Phase locking, et. al. are phenemona of multiple interacting systems - as is convergence.
My Bad...
    I got distracted by the imagination that we were discussing whether multiple entities (as part of a larger system) could converge on "Truth" and the relationship between their various contingent "working" truths and some kind of shared (and therefore useful to the group, not just the individual) "truth".

I was lost in the world/anti-world of Fake News and Alt.Facts, and the implications of Science V. Fundamentalist Religions.
Of course, you are correct that I adhere to any number of contingent truths and even behave as if they were meta-truths or even Truth - Vedic/Buddhist metaphysics and epistemology for two. Not to mention all the little things like not jumping off a roof and expecting to float like a cloud.
Not everyone believes that gravity applies to them...


- Steve
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