FWIW, I have no idea what to call myself.  So, I often opt for "simulant", 
which usually requires an explanation.  Then I can yap till the cows come home 
about systems engineering, programming, yaddayaddayadda and let other people 
decide what to call me.  (It's usually not a flattering label they give me. 8^) 
 But Marcus is right that I would never call myself a software engineer, having 
been trained by actual engineers.

On 1/8/19 1:57 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> Well, see that just proves the point.  Not only can I not speak your 
> lion-language, I accuse you of being a gazelle.  I apologize to all you lions 
> out there.  By the way, what DO you call yourselves?  

☣ uǝlƃ

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