Channeling Hywel, I hope accurately: There is no irrational number of
things of any type in the Universe

Frank Wimberly

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Phone (505) 670-9918

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019, 7:52 AM glen∈ℂ <> wrote:

> Ha! You raise two excellent points:
> 1) Is "a beer" a portion of a given volume or a massive noun?
> Or perhaps it refers to different batches,
> distinguished by the process (ingredients, mash, boil, distribution)? But
> what if you're a macro brewery and your quality control is so tight that
> there's almost 0 difference between batches?
> 2) Would a monist object to the idea that we could distinguish a 1.001
> pluralist from a 1001 pluralist? After all the only difference between
> having 1001 types of thing and 1.001 types of thing is scaling. So, the
> real difference would be spectral pluralist vs. continuum pluralist. So,
> we'd need to find a pluralist who thought there were an irrational number
> of thing types.
> This episode was rather nice: "Does Life Need a Multiverse to Exist?" <
>> Up to that point, he's relying on an
> intuitive orthogonality between the forces and constants ... a typical
> misunderstanding of the "fine-tuning" argument. He goes on (from the time I
> included in the URL) to hint at the unified, *relational* sense of the
> argument. And he mentions it specifically later, I think in talking about
> how string theory tries to generate the different properties from the One
> True Substance. 8^)
> On 11/15/19 12:31 PM, Prof David West wrote:
> > I just bought a book for a Dutch friend - 1001 Beers.
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