I see I replied to the wrong strand of the thread, this was Glen's
contribution to which I was replying.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 9:01 AM glen <g...@ropella.name> wrote:

> On 08/11/2015 08:36 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
> > I'm surprised *anything* bores the living crap out of you!
> What's not so boring is that Nick's crap _is_ alive!  But he may have the
> cause and effect reversed:
>   https://www.mvppt.com/can-the-bacteria-in-your-gut-explain-your-mood/
> > micro-organisms in the gut tickle a sensory nerve ending in the
> fingerlike protrusion lining the intestine and carry that electrical
> impulse up the vagus nerve and into the deep-brain structures thought to be
> responsible for elemental emotions like anxiety.
> Perhaps being bored doesn't get the living crap out of you.  Perhaps the
> living crap causes your boredom. 8^)

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