From: Friam <> on behalf of Jon Zingale 
Reply-To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Date: Friday, February 7, 2020 at 11:55 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

My intention in drawing attention to critical application
development is an attempt to deepen the discussion
around 'apps' and rhetoric. In the discussions around
app usage in the democratic primaries, the target appears
to be the vulnerability which exists today because
programmers today are a bunch of python hacks who
never read Knuth. Yet, not a single Friam mother-church
meeting passes without a discussion of the precision
engineering embodied in our Porches, Teslas, or iphones.

Of particular interest to me in directing this rhetorical frame
are the so-called-on-wikipedia FBI-Apple encryption 
and the Target corp data breach<> of 2013. 
In the first case,
the federal government is confronted by the reality that a
phone manufacturer can in fact make cryptographically
challenging hand held devices. Further we can use this
powerful technology for sending our family cat pictures
which arrive at their target destinations almost without
fail and near instantaneously. There is a sense of justified
indignation when the cat photo takes more than a second
to be delivered. The state-of-the-art is such that we can
have nice things.

In the second case, a data breach is exploited in the POS system
of big box corporation which sells mostly useless things. Next,
a public rhetoric emerges similar to the rhetoric I am witnessing
here with the democratic primaries. Instead of pointing out that
Target corp doesn't consider our privacy a critical concern, we
speak of how impossible it is to have privacy and how vulnerable
we feel because Target corp is a critical institution.


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