Please post a link to your paper. I for one would love to read it.

On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 3:45 AM Prof David West <> wrote:

> Jon,
> As an observer of software "engineering" since its inception in 1968 (my
> first job as a programmer was that fall, and that spring/summer is when the
> NATO conference first coined the phrase), I can and will (braggadocio here)
> state that most software CANNOT be engineered, precision or otherwise, and
> all that we have learned in the past 52 years in both computer science and
> software engineering is essentially irrelevant to the production of
> application level software.
> The protocols that ensure cat photos are scattered into packets traversing
> vast segments of the Internet to be reassembled and presented on you phone
> in real time, is an example of the minority of software that can be
> engineered. The vote counting app *could not have been*.
> The difference is that the first replicates, in software, a deterministic
> machine with limited variables, all of which can be known and quantified,
> limited relations among variables, all of which can be known and stated;
> and the second one is a complex system where variables and relations are
> highly dynamic, idiosyncratic, and, often, quite literally unknowable.
> I just completed a sixty-page essay on this subject "Why Programming is
> Hard and Software Development is (Mostly) Impossible" that addresses this
> issue. If you would like to read, let me know and I will send you a link or
> the paper.
> Making things worse is the superstructure around software development —
> all the methodologies, all the frameworks, all the management levels, all
> the practices that supposedly guide/govern the process of developing
> software.
> Icing on the cake, is attitude. Those that contract for software EXPECT
> that the project will fail and/or that what they get will be a pale
> imitation of what they wanted, full of bugs and inconsistencies. The
> development team also EXPECTS the project to fail, for different reasons,
> but fail nevertheless.
> And roughly 90-percent of the time both sides have their expectations
> realized. (60-65 % of projects started are abandoned without any delivery,
> the other 20-25 percent are those pale imitations over budget and taking
> twice the time.)
> One more factor - the game is rigged. Those that might actually be able to
> deliver reasonable software applications are not allowed to play in the
> game. Acronym and Shadow came into existence because people in Hillary
> Clinton's campaign thought they saw a way to make money and used their
> connections to get established and make contracts. The "bid" process was
> laughable, the specs being written such that no one but Shadow could comply
> and in a time frame that Microsoft, et. al. were not able to respond
> adequately.
> Half a billion dollars were spent on the Obamacare website and another
> half-billion to get it to work after the initial failure. A startup team of
> Web-developers built the site with full functionality, including
> calculating subsidies (supposedly the hard part) in a week. Their site was
> demoed on Sixty Minutes. But they would never have been allowed to bid on
> the original project because they did not meet Federal procurement
> guidelines which were rigged to very large companies  most of whom have a
> remarkably long history of spectacular failures on past projects.
> Frothing at the mouth so much, am at risk of dehydration.
> dave
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2020, at 8:54 PM, Jon Zingale wrote:
> My intention in drawing attention to critical application
> development is an attempt to deepen the discussion
> around 'apps' and rhetoric. In the discussions around
> app usage in the democratic primaries, the target appears
> to be the vulnerability which exists today because
> programmers today are a bunch of python hacks who
> never read Knuth. Yet, not a single Friam mother-church
> meeting passes without a discussion of the precision
> engineering embodied in our Porches, Teslas, or iphones.
> Of particular interest to me in directing this rhetorical frame
> are the so-called-on-wikipedia FBI-Apple encryption dispute
> <>
> and the Target corp data breach <> of
> 2013. In the first case,
> the federal government is confronted by the reality that a
> phone manufacturer *can* in fact make cryptographically
> challenging hand held devices. Further we can use this
> powerful technology for sending our family cat pictures
> which arrive at their target destinations almost without
> fail and near instantaneously. There is a sense of *justified*
> *indignation* when the cat photo takes more than a second
> to be delivered. The state-of-the-art is such that we *can*
> have nice things.
> In the second case, a data breach is exploited in the POS system
> of big box corporation which sells mostly useless things. Next,
> a public rhetoric emerges similar to the rhetoric I am witnessing
> here with the democratic primaries. Instead of pointing out that
> Target corp doesn't consider our privacy a critical concern, we
> speak of how impossible it is to have privacy and how vulnerable
> we feel because Target corp is a critical institution.
> Jon
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