
another time, another place, if an only if someone is interested — I can prove 
my assertions about helmets and show exactly and precisely how all the studies 
you may have found using Google Scholar, err. Show how other factors (notably 
age and hours of experience) are far more important that presence or absence of 
a helmet, and statistics from autopsy reports that belie the simplistic police 
report based (dead-helmet, dead-no helmet) statistics.


On Tue, May 12, 2020, at 10:10 AM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
> Ha! Well, these analogies do break down. So "precisely the same way" 
> doesn't really work. For example, I think you'd be hard pressed to say 
> that the costs associated with obesity are "precisely the same" as the 
> costs associated with cleaning your smashed body off the road.
> I continue to argue for context and it's importance in these issues. 
> The RoI for seat belts is quite clear. I *think* it's quite clear for 
> mandated helmets, too. A quick Google scholar search shows the actual 
> science behind them (contrary to Dave's conclusion). Regardless, each 
> issue, from the decibels of one's leaf blower to underage ATV riders, 
> from binary rules (prison) to modest inhibitory policies (taxation) 
> requires context. To ignore the context and make blanket generalities 
> like you're doing or blanket laws for/against them is technically 
> ignorant, in the sense that we're ignoring the details.
> But the main point remains: It's not about the individual. It's about 
> the collection of individuals, including the plants and bacteria.
> On 5/12/20 8:14 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> > In precisely the same way I am harming others when I ride a motorcycle
> > with or without a helmet (THOSE accidents are almost always more gory
> > than the ones with cars buffering/hiding/containing the mess) or a
> > bicycle on the roadways with cars, or fail to optimally care for my body
> > (and mind and spirit ... just google "people of walmart youtube").   The
> > messes we all present one another by being human are just so
> > *intolerable*...  we should set a very high bar for how much any
> > individual can impose on the psyche/sensitivities of any other
> > individual by their mere existence and exercise of personal
> > preferences.  Oh yeh... no more convertibles, no vehicles with a power 
> > to weight ratio above X, certainly no ATVs... and no parkour... that
> > shit can just go SO wrong, and *somebody* has to clean it up... splint
> > the bones... gauze over the gaping eye-socket...  >8^D
> -- 
> ☣ uǝlƃ
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