My memory/impression is that widespread seatbelt use began in the mid

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Tue, May 12, 2020, 7:57 AM uǝlƃ ☣ <> wrote:

> The contrary argument was made to me by my dad, who called himself a
> "Goldwater Conservative", was that when you end up as a blood smear all
> over the highway or all smashed up against a tree, *someone* has to clean
> that sh¡t up. Factor in, further, rubbernecking, the possibility of
> children seeing your dismembered body laying in parts on the road as they
> drive by, trauma to the poor truck driver who you smashed into who'll have
> to live with having killed you for the rest of her life, etc. You MIGHT
> save us *all* a lot of money and psychological trauma if you'd simply wear
> the seat belt. [†]
> So, you *are* harming others by not wearing a seat belt.
> In the immortal words of teenagers everywhere, it's not about you. >8^D
> [†] Add to that the consideration that human life is *infrastructure*.
> Sure if you're a do-nothing wastoid, your death costs us only the above and
> may save us money in the long-term. But if you're competent at something,
> anything, then WE are all better off if you wear your seat belt. To assert
> that you're *not* harming us by not wearing your seat belt seems
> extraordinarily self-indulgent.
> On 5/11/20 10:05 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> > To be told I was harming others by not wearing a seatbelt feels patently
> incorrect.
> --
> ☣ uǝlƃ
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