Hi Glen,

Thank you, and yes, I did submit it somewhere.  There are a couple of different 
evolution journals where this kind of subject is published.  They all have 
length limits — 140 characters or something like that — which this thing 
exceeds.  I don’t even remember which of them I sent to, because their formats 
turn out to be quite similar.  Mostly I was trying to get it before the eyes of 
a couple of people whom I hope the editor will ask as reviewers, who I think 
will immediately understand what the move is, because it is so close to where 
they have already come, and that they will agree that it is a kind of natural 
completion of what Price and also they were trying to do.  After that the 
editor will reject it, but I can ask for advice on whether there is anyplace it 
could be published, without violating the conditions of review.  

I am horrible at timeliness on reviews, and during COVID, everyone else has 
become uncommonly bad as well.  So it could be years before I hear anything.  I 
have another paper that is now out for about 30 months to a Springer journal; 
this one has only been out maybe 8 or 10 months.

Many thanks,


> On Mar 25, 2021, at 8:02 PM, ⛧ glen <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That paper is positively pornographic! Well done.
> If I understand what you're doing, which I most likely don't, the mechanized 
> graphs are an excellent example of some rhetoric I'm currently trying to 
> foist on some unwilling victims (re the "languages" within which we couch 
> hypotheses, and how "language" choice sets a frame/paradigm).
> But they're academics. And I am not. So I'd like to confirm that you've 
> submitted it somewhere, regardless of your expectations of acceptance? I 
> don't need to know where. If so, I'll feel more confident in encouraging them 
> to read it.
> On March 24, 2021 4:46:23 PM PDT, David Eric Smith <desm...@santafe.edu> 
> wrote:
>> I will claim that part of the problem is a bad problem in conceptual
>> delineation in much (not all!) of the community, which the terminology
>> canalizes and makes it hard to escape from.  For part of that I do have
>> something I think is a corrective.  I don’t know if it will ever be
>> accepted anywhere, so I put it on the BioRxiv here:
>> https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.biorxiv.org%2fcontent%2f10.1101%2f2021.02.09.430402v1.abstract&c=E,1,BJI4v-sKlAKG9TTqIjaeaWW0r---JGH7j68TIOfK62NVQsDk3M1v4LKlGLHYHYl0IGS6JpyKBEFpWW760HkvNqZI01T4whPz2owBEjJEDEpvH3wrgQ,,&typo=1
>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.biorxiv.org%2fcontent%2f10.1101%2f2021.02.09.430402v1.abstract&c=E,1,PiNnB4Mea11E3NbOf1J9kiBNwaJm_D356Z9AK-rtlkWlamy0uIN4X23SortvEWwhFmu1adf-m6N63uM8CxTaVIkw5JBVfpjNgjmV75TSNav8oe1eXG9LRLs,&typo=1>
> -- 
> glen ⛧
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