Jon, hi,

I have owed you a response for a long time.  I think I kept imagining that, if 
I waited long enough, I would learn enough about a couple of things you asked 
to be able to understand the questions and perhaps answer usefully.  At this 
stage I think I am giving up any systematic hope of learning anything, and will 
consider myself lucky when random accidents result in my having learned 
something, which I find out about after the fact.  

What triggers my answer today is a specific question that was in some other 
email by you that I haven’t found, about what hypergraphs are and whether they 
are “a topology”, as I think you said it.  I didn’t understand the question, I 
think because I don’t have a mathematician’s familiarity for just what scope 
the term “topology” is allowed to cover.  So I know a few things from 
coursework, but they are just specific cases.  A friend has tried to get me to 
read this book: 
which one of his junior colleagues is trying to walk him through to get him to 
understand a bit better.  Someday I will give time to properly read in it….

Anyway, what came up today was a Sean Carroll interview with Wolfram, which 
fronts hypergraphs as Wolfram’s base-level abstraction.  It is a couple hours 
long, so I will listen to it when I have a couple hours….
Maybe Wolfram will provide a more compact sense of the “why” and not just the 
definition.  The little bit, of general reading, that I tried to do but did not 
need for my particular applications, was in this: 

For me, a hypergraph is just a natural representation for a variety of models 
of transitions that involve joint transformations.  I think there is another 
way of capturing dualities between states and transitions in what are called 
“bond graphs”, which it turns out Alan Perelson did some work on when he was 
young.  I think various projections of the even larger generality permitted 
within bond graphs will reduce you to hypergraph models of the relation of 
states to transitions.  As I would ordinarily use the term, a hypergraph could 
be said to “have” a topology in the usual discrete sense of characterizing 
types of nodes and links and then giving a table with their adjacencies.  But I 
don’t know what it means to say it “is” a topology.  Apologies that I do not 
know how to engage better with what you are trying to get me to understand.

Your other email that I saved because I hadn’t answered follows, so I will try 
to do that one now too.  I will clip and lard, in reply below:

> On May 6, 2021, at 1:44 AM, jon zingale <> wrote:

> 1. Food webs were analyzed as weighted graphs with the obvious Markov
> chain interpretation[ρ]. Each edge effectively summarizing the complex
> predator-prey interactions found at level 2, but without the plethora
> of ODEs to solve.
> 2. N-species Lotka-Volterra, while being a jumble of equations, offered
> dynamics. Here, one could get insight into how the static edge values
> of level 1 were in fact fluctuating values in n-dimensional phase
> space. But still, one is working with an aggregate model where species
> is summarized wholly by population count.

> 2'. "There is still an algebra of operation of reactions, but it is
> simpler than the algebra of rules, and mostly about counting."
> I am not entirely sure that I follow the distinction. Am I far off in
> seeing an analogy here to the differences found between my one and two
> above?

I don’t think that relation, but one that goes in the other direction from 
heterogeneity to homogenetty.  I will say the specific thing I mean, because 
those last few words could have meant anything:

The order-of-application dependence in rules seems to me capable of vast 
diversity of kinds.  Rules perform changes of patterns in context, but the 
presence of the context as part of that relation implies that rules are also 
creative.  To be specific: in chemistry, which is the best-constrained case, a 
rule takes a collection of atomic centers and a bond configuration, keeps the 
atomic centers, and replaces the initial bond configuration with some new one.  
But these motifs of atoms and bond configurations occur within the context of 
entire molecules, which can contain much else besides the part that the rule is 
conditioned on or transforms.  So by changing some bonds in a molecule and 
preserving the rest of the molecule, the rule actually can create entirely new 
patterns that draw partly on the conserved part and partly on the changed part, 
which were not in the system before.  Those newly created patterns can be 
contexts in which other rules suddenly are able to act where they were not 
before.  So the commutativity diagram, of which rules become able to act only 
due to the working of other rules previously — either on a particular molecule 
or _at all_ in the system — could be of almost any type.  If we were working, 
not with chemistry, but with site graphs as Kappa was created to handle, the 
dependencies and transformations could consist of anything the systems 
biologist can imagine and formalize.  

The dependencies, of which actions of rules on instances depend on those 
instances’ having been created by other rules, are what Fontana et al. collect 
in the event sequences they call “stories” as a representation of causation.  

The open-ended character of what rules might do, and thus how they might depend 
on each other, makes the rule level incredibly powerful because it is 
generative, but also makes it a really hard level about which to say anything 
general.  It is handy that, in systems we often want to study, the number of 
rules actually active tends to be limited; probably because we study systems 
where some sort of selection had efficacy, and selection also doesn’t do well 
making inferences from such mechanistic heterogeneity that every case is sui 

In comparison, the commutator dependency of the generator acting on the state 
space is only of one kind (for the population processes that are the scope of 
my comments here).  The only dependency is counting. For a transition to occur, 
the multiset of its inputs must exist.  If they are not present by default from 
some background or boundary condition, then they must have been brought into 
existence by some other transformations.  That counting dependence is the 
origin of the importance of feedbacks like autocatalysis.  But because it is 
all of more or less the same kind, I can tolerate its being much more 
ubiquitous without losing the ability to draw inferences about the system as a 

> 3'. "So the state space is just a lattice. The “generator” from Level 2
> is the generator of stochastic processes over this state space, and it
> is where probability distributions live."
> Please write more on this. By 'just a lattice' do you mean integer-valued
> on account of the counts being so?

Yes, exactly.  Just counts (again, intended only to refer to this class of 
population processes).  

> Is the state space used to some
> extent, like a modulii/classifying space, for characterizing the
> species of reactions? I feel the fuzziest on how this level and the
> 2nd relate.

Yes, sorry.  Maybe good here if I backtrack and say ignore for a moment 
everything said above by me today, and just start cold.

1. Rules are finite but generative.  Examples are the _mechanisms_ of chemical 
reaction, defined at the level of the few atomic centers and bonds they act on, 
and _not_ on the level of fully-specified molecules.  

2. The thing that rules generate is a hypergraph of species and 
transformations.  In chemistry, the species are fully-specified molecule 
_identities_, and the transformations are the collections of reactants and 
products interconverted by a reaction.  The species specifications in the 
hypergraph add enough context beyond the rules that they do refer to 
fully-formed molecules.  But there is still context they omit: only the 
_identities_ of the species are marked as nodes in the hypergraph; it does not 
matter what their counts are in a given instance of some population.  Because 
any given list of mechanisms might turn out to generate indefinitely many 
distinct kinds of molecules, the hypergraph may be infinite or indefinitely 
large in extent, even from a finite rule set.  However, because it does not 
distinguish counts in the states as a whole, it still defines a very large 
equivalence relation over states. 

3. The state space (the lattice) is then, as you say, a vector with 
non-negative integer coefficients that gives the number of counts of every type 
of molecule.  Even if a generator were finite, since it could act on systems 
with any vectors of counts, the number of states is in general infinitely 
larger than the number of species and reactions in the hypergraph. 

All best,


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