> More mob justice:
> US rightwing group targets academics with Professor Watchlist 
> https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/sep/17/turning-point-usa-professor-watchlist

Just now reading a biography of Thoreau and learning a little more about
the Transcendentalists and Utopians of that stripe makes me realize that
this was also the era of Abolitionism and the Fugitive Slave Law which
makes the TX Abortion shenanigans seem very tame.  Discussions about
abolitionism often started with absurdisms such as trying to decide
*when* it was OK to "own another human being" without the inverted
perspective of "when is it ok, as a human being, to be owned"?

I chatted with a good friend this week, in CA after Newsom was absolved
(or more to the point, Elder was rejected?) and he used the phrase "now
that Texas has legalized hunting women from helicopters" and I nearly
fell into NST's famed "Giggles" over the dark twistedness of it all (not
to mention the oblique Palin reference).

I share Glen's multi-valence about being on the list being a badge of
honor, yet also having real consequences.   I haven't seen any stories
coming out of TX yet where individuals (say an Uber driver) have
deliberately provoked an Anti-Choicer by say... claiming on social media
that he/she had just driven a woman to an abortion clinic and asking 
them to "bring it on".   Can only ONE person bring a lawsuit per
incident?  What is the modern day Gibson/Sterling/Stephenson equivalent
of Ambulance-Chasers???   Uber-stalkers I suppose?

> And because the Guardian doesn't seem to link directly to it:
> https://professorwatchlist.org/
> Is this different from doxxing nazis? It would be a badge of honor to be on 
> that list, I think. But their violence isn't merely implied.
> On 9/16/21 6:09 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>> The Chronicle of Higher Education noticed that there have been two massive 
>> cancellation protests against fraternities where sexual assaults were 
>> reported in the past few months, in Kansas and Nebraska.  Is group 
>> cancellation better/worse than individual cancellation?   Are students at 
>> Kansas and Nebraska really liberal lynch mobs out to destroy the glorious 
>> traditions of greek life?
>> https://www.chronicle.com/article/at-kansas-another-confrontational-protest-against-greek-life
>> <https://www.chronicle.com/article/at-kansas-another-confrontational-protest-against-greek-life>
>> They also incidentally brought up recent research on trigger warnings, a 
>> crowd sourced clinical intervention for PTSD dating to the 1970's and a long 
>> time tough-guy bug-a-boo.  
>> https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-data-is-in-trigger-warnings-dont-work 
>> <https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-data-is-in-trigger-warnings-dont-work>

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