It looks like fiction will never be the same. Here is a list of books
written by gpt3, .
I haven't read any of these.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2022, 7:39 PM Prof David West <> wrote:

> I would not consider Asimov's robots to be "flat and empty," but they are
> an anomaly in that regard. They did, after all, invent the Zeroth Law of
> Robotics all by themselves.
> davew
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2022, at 2:18 PM, David Eric Smith wrote:
> I feel like this is yet another reminder that humans, by and large, lack
> imagination.
> The reason robots in sci-fi are flat and empty is because sci-fi is
> re-telling Descartes’s assertion that everything except humans (probably,
> sotto voce, except him) are flat and affectless.  Maybe even more than
> machines are that, we imprint that on the paradigm of machine.  It’s just
> the age-old thing of people needing to feel singular and important, and
> using vehicles like religion to systematize their neediness.  That sci-fi
> prides itself on being imaginative, while re-telling the same small
> portfolio of bible stories and other similar sources is human
> Dunning-Krugerness on display.
> A world free of all that corruption probably has lots of dimensions of
> possibility that humans will just drive by without noticing because their
> minds are elsewhere.
> Of course, each of your detailed points I recognize is true and a good one,
> Eric
> On Jul 21, 2022, at 2:05 AM, cody dooderson <> wrote:
> It is surprising that AI is so creative. Many science fiction robots were
> calculated but uncreative. They are like Data from star trek, basically a
> calculator with very little creative potential. But it seems like AI, as it
> develops, is actually more creative than its human counterparts.
> Here are a few examples that come to mind. AlphaGo beat the grandmaster,
> Lee Sedol, with moves that the grandmaster had never seen before. The art
> world is seeing some very cool stuff coming out of trained neural networks
> like Dall-e2*.  In the Sony article, they talk about a trick where the AI
> put a wheel on the grass to initiate a controlled slide. Do you think that
> modern Neural networks will give any insight into the nature of creativity?
> * Dall-e2
> Cody Smith
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 7:19 AM Roger Critchlow <> wrote:
> Two articles from MIT Tech Review.
> <,1,sW_uqrRPOXBSOBOKyAZBXmUeEC_gAg6bC8gm1INQST-ojGhCL2hs6hZ0n3OXOMaE29ZvHzCImJ-clJq2975O6Z7VJXWF-auEZX7UaV_rfFo7jCerKI3uQrTt&typo=1>
> Training AI drivers for Gran Turismo racing, it turns out that they can
> learn to physically drive faster than people, but they're too aggressive to
> win head to head races because they drive the competition off the road.  So
> you need to train them to observe the norms of the competition, by
> including penalties for crashes, bumps, cut-offs, etc, into the training.
> They still drive faster than people, and the way they drive is a bit
> disturbing to watch.
> [So if you were training AI drivers for political races, would the norms
> come from established law or where the voters could be persuaded to mark
> their polls?]
> <,1,V2LEaPWTwH3T7VFjGfU7bcnhh0onNBmvFckXpaLoRhfL1fS-X5j4_shbXCArwd2na4pUY52IMOtyZK5VLSHLt7YD7qfxOsYsys64-ZDOhZIodihFmXY1Zg,,&typo=1>
> The scientist and the instagram influencer attempt to study the genetic
> causes of CHS (cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome) and the influencer blows
> up the study when she declares that the scientist is a shill on her
> channel.  Ah the joys of decision making with uncertainty and cognitive
> bias.
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