Goddamnit.  “The fact that you can stir water ….”  (Not “store water”)

Goddamned spell-changer does not work with a 12-inch screen and eyes that no 
longer work.

> On Aug 5, 2023, at 11:38 AM, David Eric Smith <desm...@santafe.edu> wrote:
> I think you have several variables in play at the same time here, Nick, and 
> that will make it challenging to get clear what-all is involved, and what is 
> controlling in what combinations.
> 0. Let me say something general, which won’t be comprehensible within this 
> bullet, but which I will unpack a little in a later one.  I _expect_ that for 
> some fairly symmetric shapes like soda bottles or sinks and drain pipes or 
> whatever, under constant atmospheric conditions etc., water of properties 
> that doesn’t change while it flows (not clear this applies to dishwashing 
> remnant water with soap foams and scums), and so forth, there would be some 
> unique steady state that was the true dynamical state the system would settle 
> into over a sufficiently long time.  The simplest set of questions you could 
> try to ask about would be the properties of that steady state: what it does 
> as a transport process; what boundary conditions it depends on, etc.  What 
> that means is, no bifurcations into several possible, but distinct, 
> indefinitely long-persisting steady flow conditions. Give me that expectation 
> for now, so I can make another point.  Proving when it applies will be some 
> nightmare of going into details, which I probably couldn’t do, certainly 
> don’t have time and patience to try, and probably couldn’t put into English 
> even if I could do it.  From that one question, everything else gets harder 
> because more dimensions come into play.  In particular, there could a whole 
> continuous parameter range of long-lived transients, which decay toward the 
> long-term steady state only very slowly.  Your problem as a dishwasher or 
> bottle tilter is: you may not have as long to wait as it takes those 
> transients to decay.  It’s Keynses “in the long run, we are all dead” 
> (Strictly: that was the point he was making.)
> 1. So at the least, the fact that you can store the water before pulling the 
> plug, and affect the drain time, means you can put different amounts of 
> angular momentum into the water that cannot get transferred out fully, fast 
> enough to not leave an imprint on the draining.  Since the only way to get 
> down the drain is to first get _to_ the drain, if you put enough angular 
> momentum into the water, it makes it harder for any of it to get to the 
> center.  Why (among other factors) hurricane eyes don’t close.  So indeed, 
> you can stir in a way that gives the water slower access to the drain, and 
> causes it to take longer to all get through it.  
> 2. There is a different issue of closed versus open.  The reason the soda 
> bottles mouth-to-mouth are so useful is that the only way water can go down 
> is if air goes up.  But the bottles are small enough that for air to bubble 
> up through the water requires getting through enough surface tension that it 
> significantly affects the draining.  Having “enough” vortex to obviate that 
> need then speeds your drainage.  But with the soda bottles too, if you spun 
> them continuously, to keep introducing angular momentum to the water faster 
> than it could transfer away toward the steady state by dissipation, I think 
> it is sure you can affect the drainage.  I suspect the shape of the soda 
> bottles is such that angular momentum equalizes toward the steady state more 
> quickly.  A sink with a flat bottom should be very hard, because you can put 
> in tons of angular momentum that doesn’t get quickly reflected back.  (Also, 
> square or round perimeter and bowl shape of the sink, how full is it relative 
> to width, and other such things.  It can get as complicated as billiards (not 
> really, but figuratively), if you consider all the momentum reflecting 
> around.). 
> 3. The hard thing to do in emails or posts, and which really will require 
> some computer program in the general case, is to figure out how gravity — in 
> the infinitely long term — interacts with pressure and wall friction to 
> resupply angular momentum to maintain a steady-state vortex, for a given 
> vessel shape, mouth width, etc.  
> The question of when you can make a universalizing claim, such as “symmetry 
> breaking (like adding a rotation) will certainly increase or decrease a 
> downward flow”, remains an important one, and many of us have daily instances 
> of that problem in one or another area (ecological dynamics, physiology 
> versus natural selection in populations, and on and on).  So, good to have 
> ongoing interest.  The amount one has to say to have spoken carefully, to 
> figure out what categories are coherent for which to try to generate answers, 
> remains striking (at least to me).
> Eric
>> On Aug 5, 2023, at 11:05 AM, Nicholas Thompson <thompnicks...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Ok, folks. I apologize to those of you who are fed up with my kitchen 
>> physics, but there has been a bit of a development in that saga that I want 
>> to share with those few of you who aren’t.   Years ago, I came home for the 
>> summer with my ears ringing with the notion that structures are formed to 
>> dissipate gradients.  Please set aside any teleological implications of this 
>> statement and ask the question in its most neutral form:  Do the structures 
>> that sometimes form as a gradient is dissipated dissipate it more quickly 
>> once the structure has been formed.   Or, as I came to interpret it, does 
>> facilitating the formation of such a structure speed the dissipation of the 
>> gradient.
>> I was the family dishwasher at the time.  I deplore washing dishes, but I 
>> love messing around with warm soapy water, and so I started to experiment 
>> with starting the vortex that forms after you pull the plug out of the sink 
>> before I pulled the plug.  Quickly, it became apparent that facilitating the 
>> vortex formation in that way GREATLY SLOWED the emptying of the sink.  
>> Triumphally, I wrote Steve on Friam only to be greeted by a torrent of 
>> scatological raillery, so intense and so persistent from the fluid 
>> dynamicists on the list that I never heard from Steve. The burden of this 
>> raillery I have distilled into Roberts Rule of Order:  DEFROCKED ENGLISH 
>> MAJORS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO TALK about fluid dynamics. 
>> More than a decade later, I am back in Massachusetts, washing dishes at the 
>> same sink, and the question occurred to me again. I raised it finally with 
>> Steve, and he generously sent me the little two-bottle toy, where you flip 
>> it over and the water drains from one bottle to the other.  As it drains, it 
>> forms a vortex in the draining bottle, and the occurrence of the vortex 
>> greatly increases the speed of the draining.  Finally, if one facilitates 
>> the formation of the vortex by rotating the bottle a bit, the bottle drains 
>> even more quickly.  Thus, the result is entirely different, especially if 
>> one substitutes two large pop bottles for the ones included in the kit. 
>> At the risk of bringing another round of raillery down on my head, I opine 
>> that the difference has something to do with the fact that two bottle 
>> situation is more of a closed system than the sink situation.  The test 
>> would be to saw the bottom off both bottles and demonstrate that 
>> vortex-formation now slows drainage. 
>> It will be a while, though, before I can get two extra bottles to destroy. 
>> Does anybody care to make a prediction and offer an explanation why the 
>> results should be different in the two cases?
>> Nick
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