More seriously, I see a series of prompts as vector compositing to give
context and then exploring the synthesized space created. Less about
information retrieval or search.

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 10:16 AM Stephen Guerin <>

> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 10:05 AM Marcus Daniels <> wrote:
>> There is something objectionable about prompts.  Like a therapist
>> extracting subconscious recovered memories from childhood PTSD.
> I understand your concerns. Prompting, especially in therapeutic contexts,
> should be approached with care due to the potential risks, such as the
> creation of false memories or exacerbating distress. The intention behind
> prompts, especially in AI communication, is generally to stimulate
> conversation or thought, not to dig into sensitive personal areas unless
> explicitly directed by the user. If you have any discomfort about the
> direction of the conversation, please let me know, and I will adjust
> accordingly.
> - Dr C.G. Petey
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