The explicit times were part of the prompts.

we actually did these experiments this summer with Steve Cox's students at
Northern New Mexico College for an NSF Geo Pathways grant.  I put in the
times from my memory of what was in the whiteboard as 6 teams reported
their results. Some used 2 liter bottles, other smaller water bottles

On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 9:27 AM Roger Critchlow <> wrote:

> Who made up the exact timings?
> -- rec --
> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 9:10 AM Stephen Guerin <>
> wrote:
>> There were 10 or so intermediate prompts to drive chatGPT to that lab
>> report.
>> On Sat, Aug 5, 2023, 8:52 AM Stephen Guerin <>
>> wrote:
>>> chatGPT, you are a graduate student at c the Santa Fe Institute's
>>> complex systems summer school, write a lab report on your experiences with
>>> the tornado in a tube.
>>> **Student Lab Report**
>>> **Title:** Insights into Fluid Dynamics and Symmetry Breaking via
>>> 'Tornado in a Tube'
>>> **Objective:** This lab aimed to explore the critical principles of
>>> fluid dynamics, including the principle of least action, surface tension,
>>> broken symmetry, and their impacts on fluid behavior, using the 'tornado in
>>> a tube' experiment. We introduced variations in the system's orientation,
>>> structural changes, and the application of external forces to further
>>> understand these principles.
>>> **Method:** Our setup included two 2-liter clear plastic bottles, water,
>>> a tube connector, and glitter for fluid visualization. We followed the
>>> procedure outlined in the lab exercise, with additional testing for
>>> different system orientations, external force applications, and structural
>>> modifications.
>>> **Findings:**
>>> 1. **Role of Surface Tension in Vertical Setup:** With the bottles
>>> vertically aligned, surface tension at the bottleneck significantly slowed
>>> the drainage process. This resulted in a droplet-like flow and a drainage
>>> time of 8 minutes and 12 seconds.
>>> 2. **Influence of External Forces:** By applying an external force to
>>> the system—squeezing the top bottle in pulses—we managed to overcome the
>>> surface tension resistance. This modified approach expedited the drainage
>>> process to a time of 1 minute and 47 seconds.
>>> 3. **Impact of System Orientation:** We then experimented with tilting
>>> the bottles to different angles. A tilt of approximately 42 degrees
>>> provided the quickest drainage time—2 minutes and 32 seconds. The tilt
>>> balanced the inflow of air and the outflow of water, thereby managing the
>>> effects of surface tension effectively.
>>> 4. **Vortex Formation, Symmetry Breaking and the Principle of Least
>>> Action:** In the next step, we swirled the top bottle to form a vortex,
>>> leading to a broken symmetry in angular momentum. This energy-efficient
>>> pathway embodied the principle of least action, allowing the water to
>>> overcome the surface tension barrier and to drain in an impressive 18
>>> seconds. This broken symmetry enabled the efficient dissipation of the
>>> gradient between the bottles.
>>> 5. **Effects of Structural Changes:** Our final test involved an
>>> open-ended tube setup. Here, we observed noticeable changes in fluid
>>> behavior. The vortex's efficiency in gradient dissipation decreased due to
>>> interference from the ambient pressure, indicating the crucial role
>>> structural features play in fluid dynamics.
>>> **Conclusion:** The 'tornado in a tube' experiment, complemented by our
>>> additional tests, provided a comprehensive understanding of fluid dynamics
>>> principles. The observed differences in drainage times highlighted the
>>> significant impact of system orientation, the principle of least action,
>>> surface tension, and broken symmetry on fluid dynamics. These findings
>>> offer deeper insights into fluid behavior and are applicable to a range of
>>> real-world phenomena, from weather systems to biological processes.
>>> On Fri, Aug 4, 2023, 8:05 PM Nicholas Thompson <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, folks. I apologize to those of you who are fed up with my kitchen
>>>> physics, but there has been a bit of a development in that saga that I want
>>>> to share with those few of you who aren’t.   Years ago, I came home
>>>> for the summer with my ears ringing with the notion that structures are
>>>> formed to dissipate gradients.  Please set aside any teleological
>>>> implications of this statement and ask the question in its most neutral
>>>> form:  Do the structures that sometimes form as a gradient is
>>>> dissipated dissipate it more quickly once the structure has been formed.
>>>> Or, as I came to interpret it, does facilitating the formation of such
>>>> a structure speed the dissipation of the gradient.
>>>> I was the family dishwasher at the time.  I deplore washing dishes,
>>>> but I love messing around with warm soapy water, and so I started to
>>>> experiment with starting the vortex that forms *after* you pull the
>>>> plug out of the sink *before* I pulled the plug.  Quickly, it became
>>>> apparent that facilitating the vortex formation in that way GREATLY SLOWED
>>>> the emptying of the sink.  Triumphally, I wrote Steve on Friam only to
>>>> be greeted by a torrent of scatological raillery, so intense and so
>>>> persistent from the fluid dynamicists on the list that I never heard from
>>>> Steve. The burden of this raillery I have distilled into Roberts Rule of
>>>> fluid dynamics.
>>>> More than a decade later, I am back in Massachusetts, washing dishes at
>>>> the same sink, and the question occurred to me again. I raised it finally
>>>> with Steve, and he generously sent me the little two-bottle toy, where you
>>>> flip it over and the water drains from one bottle to the other.  As it
>>>> drains, it forms a vortex in the draining bottle, and the occurrence of the
>>>> vortex greatly *increases* the speed of the draining.  Finally, if one
>>>> facilitates the formation of the vortex by rotating the bottle a bit, the
>>>> bottle drains even more quickly.  Thus, the result is entirely
>>>> different, especially if one substitutes two large pop bottles for the ones
>>>> included in the kit.
>>>> At the risk of bringing another round of raillery down on my head, I
>>>> opine that the difference has something to do with the fact that two bottle
>>>> situation is more of a closed system than the sink situation.  The
>>>> test would be to saw the bottom off both bottles and demonstrate that
>>>> vortex-formation now slows drainage.
>>>> It will be a while, though, before I can get two extra bottles to
>>>> destroy.
>>>> Does anybody care to make a prediction and offer an explanation why the
>>>> results should be different in the two cases?
>>>> Nick
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