Given the meaning of the word EX-IST , that's not a joke that's a koan!
From: Friam <> on behalf of Frank Wimberly 
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2024 9:34 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Objective Reality Doesn’t Exist. We’ve Known This for a 
Century. It’s Time to Embrace It and Move On. | by Casper Wilstrup | Machine 
Consciousness | Medium

It exists in my mind.  Joke.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Fri, May 31, 2024, 8:59 AM Nicholas Thompson 
<<>> wrote:
This (see below) got served up to me out of the blue this morning.  The way 
it's put here, Frank and Bruce might actually agree with it.  Still, it's 
straight Peirce.  I have no idea who the author is; do any of you?

Here's crucial passage.

Our understanding of reality needs a complete overhaul. Rather than viewing it 
as a fixed, external stage upon which events play out, we should consider it as 
a dynamic interplay between observers and their environment [experiences]. 
Reality, in this view, doesn’t reside out there, independent of us. Instead, 
reality is our interactions with the world  [one another], shaped and defined 
by our observations [experiences]. Reality is nothing but [the telos of] those 
interactions between subjects.

I had to make those little changes because the author,  like so many aspiring 
monists, after arguing against observer independence for a hundred words, slips 
up by implying that the "environment" is anything but something else that we 
have to agree upon, if we are ever going to get on with life.

By the way,  I stipulate that nothing in his argument has ANYTHING to do with 
quantum mechanics. The argument would be sound even if the idea of a quantum 
had never been thought.  However, I like the idea of physics as some kind of 
language of convergent belief.

By the way,  In history there seem to have been two ways for people converge on 
a common experience, charisma and democracy.  In charisma, we pick some idiot 
(usually a psychopath) and share his or her experience.  In democracy, we find  
some way to blend our experiences into a common view.  Sometime in the next few 
months we will decide which way we want to go.   Do we want to assign Trump the 
job of determining our common reality, or do we want to continue to work it out 
amongst ourselves through experiment and argument.

Weather gorgeous here in the mosquito infested swamp.  Garden thriving.  A much 
better year.

Watch that dry line in TX.  It's truly amazing.  Can it really be true that I 
am the only weather fanatic on a list that is devoted to complexity?   How can 
that be?

Objective Reality Doesn’t Exist: It is Time to Embrace it and Move 
The shift towards a unified, observer-dependent reality forces us to let go — 
once and for all — of the idea of objective reality<>

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