As always, glen is far more diplomatic and philosophical than I.

My reaction to Nick's innocuous words was entirely visceral: I do not see the 
good/evil choice that he does.

If I am being charitable, each major candidate is a medium, channeling—
not so charitable, each is an effluent orifice, spewing—
    —ideas, and words, and actions to which neither can claim authorship.

If I examine the torrents, I do find that one contains more of that which I 
find personally offensive / personally harmful. But whichever stream I am 
forced to swim in, it is not as if I had a choice.

I am enough of a socio/psychopath that I feel no obligation to 'protect' anyone 
else from whichever stream they happen to find most distasteful.


On Mon, Jun 3, 2024, at 1:33 PM, glen wrote:
> IDK. Were we to allow that
> a) X merely means a singular, mostly atomic, thing, and
> b) "determine" means what most of us think it means,
> then you'd be right. A better way to state it would be:
> In the US, our collection of mechanisms for selecting the most 
> powerful, but not all-powerful, person in our federa[l|ated] and 
> hierarchically composed government carries too much structural/systemic 
> bias for a reasonable person to describe it as "democratic". Nick's 
> gloss was way too vague for one to use that more refined statement to 
> contradict his. If we allow democracy to be a spectrum, some more, some 
> less, democratic, then Nick's statement stands well enough. But as my 
> Gen Z friends are telling me on a daily basis, they're not going to 
> vote in November because it doesn't matter. Biden and Trump are the 
> same person. Both lie. And even if/when they're not lying, whatever 
> they intend to do will be subverted by or enervated with the noxious 
> intentions of the oligarchs or self-aggrandizing agendas of the rest of 
> the politicians, including SCOTUS.
> But even that sentiment (that the whole system is Borked) contradicts 
> one of the normal interpretations of the word "determined". Such a 
> frothing mess my be deterministic. But if it is, it's chaotic; so much 
> so that morons like Trump wouldn't be capable of "determining our 
> common reality". And even if we broaden the conception of "determine" 
> out to mean something Rawlsian like the veil of ignorance, that which 
> of Trump or Biden is elected will (or not) somehow affect the power 
> status on the other side of the veil, my Gen Z friends would say it 
> does not. The Musks and Thiels will still be the most powerful people 
> on the planet come next year, regardless of who is elected. So neither 
> Biden nor Trump "determine" our common reality in any meaningful sense, 
> though they may well add a tiny little bias in some very large space.
> On 6/1/24 08:28, Prof David West wrote:
>> Nick said,
>> /"In democracy, we find  some way to blend our experiences into a common 
>> view."/
>> If the "democracy" of which you speak is that of the New England Town Hall, 
>> or that of tribal societies of long ago, you are probably reasonably 
>> accurate.
>> However, that sense of "democracy" no longer exists, at least here in the 
>> US. Regardless of how one votes, the result is absolutely and completely 
>> *assigning   X   the job of determining our common reality*.
>> davew
>> On Fri, May 31, 2024, at 9:58 AM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:
>>> This (see below) got served up to me out of the blue this morning.  The way 
>>> it's put here, Frank and Bruce might actually agree with it.  Still, it's 
>>> straight Peirce.  I have no idea who the author is; do any of you?
>>> Here's crucial passage.
>>> /Our understanding of reality needs a complete overhaul. Rather than 
>>> viewing it as a fixed, external stage upon which events play out, we should 
>>> consider it as a dynamic interplay between observers and their environment 
>>> [/experiences/]. Reality, in this view, doesn’t reside out there, 
>>> independent of us. Instead, reality is our interactions with the world  
>>> [/one another/], shaped and defined by our observations [/experiences/]. 
>>> Reality is nothing but [/the telos of/] those interactions between 
>>> subjects./
>>> I had to make those little changes because the author,  like so many 
>>> aspiring monists, after arguing against observer independence for a hundred 
>>> words, slips up by implying that the "environment" is anything but 
>>> something else that we have to agree upon, if we are ever going to get on 
>>> with life.
>>> By the way,  I stipulate that nothing in his argument has ANYTHING to do 
>>> with quantum mechanics. The argument would be sound even if the idea of a 
>>> quantum had never been thought.  However, I like the idea of physics as 
>>> some kind of language of convergent belief.
>>> By the way,  In history there seem to have been two ways for people 
>>> converge on a common experience, charisma and democracy.  In charisma, we 
>>> pick some idiot (usually a psychopath) and share his or her experience.  In 
>>> democracy, we find  some way to blend our experiences into a common view.  
>>> Sometime in the next few months we will decide which way we want to go.   
>>> Do we want to assign Trump the job of determining our common reality, or do 
>>> we want to continue to work it out amongst ourselves through experiment and 
>>> argument.
>>> Weather gorgeous here in the mosquito infested swamp.  Garden thriving.  A 
>>> much better year.
>>> Watch that dry line in TX.  It's truly amazing.  Can it really be true that 
>>> I am the only weather fanatic on a list that is devoted to complexity?   
>>> How can that be?
>>> NIck
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> Objective Reality Doesn’t Exist: It is Time to Embrace it and Move On 
>>> <>
>>> The shift towards a unified, observer-dependent reality forces us to let go 
>>> — once and for all — of the idea of objective reality
> -- 
> ꙮ Mɥǝu ǝlǝdɥɐuʇs ɟᴉƃɥʇ' ʇɥǝ ƃɹɐss snɟɟǝɹs˙ ꙮ
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