Am 02.10.2016 um 22:57 schrieb Waldek Hebisch:
> Current FriCAS connection scheme is a mess.  Core of this mess is
> that standard Lisp IO have no concept of socket and that original

You were completely right: it's a mess!
Now, when figured out, I conceive the meaning of the "sockets" /tmp/.x
(x=d,s,i,...). Since, moreover, ")lisp (setq |$SpadServer| t)" is blocking when
entered in AXIOMsys, so I will abandon the idea connecting directly to the
spadserver. On the other hand, connecting to a running instance seems to me
quite laborious and i cant's see how it might go without add new code to sman,
so it's not an option either.
BTW do you know what's "Simon's algebraic viewer" was? (AV=10 below).

.. include/com.h
/* possible socket types (purpose) */

#define SessionManager  1
#define ViewportServer  2
#define MenuServer      3
#define SessionIO       4
#define BaloonServer    5
#define InterpWindow    6
#define KillSpad        7
#define DebugWindow     8  /* used for nagman */
#define Forker          9
#define AV              10 /*Simon's algebraic viewer */

> code performed all output to Lisp standard output using binding
> of *STANDARD-OUTPUT* special variable to redirect output.  In
> effect all output from FriCAS to other programs appears on single
> Unix file descriptor (that is standard output) and one copy of sman
> is responsible to demultiplex FriCAS output and send it to proper
> destination.  Other programs use Unix domain sockets, and use
> functions like 'connect_to_local_server' to establish connection.
> Graphics only uses sockets, so is cleaner.

'connect_to_local_server' indeed was the clue ... so in principle it'd be
possible to intefere in the dispatching process by a Python program. I'm afraid,
however, it would complicate things more than by now using ZMQ.

from ctypes import *



class SOCKADDR(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("sa_family",c_ushort),
                ("sa_data",c_char * 14)]

class IN_ADDR(Structure):
    _fields_ = [ ("s_addr",c_ulong)]

class SOCKADDR_IN(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("sin_family",c_short),
                ("sin_port", c_ushort),
                ("sin_zero",c_char * 8)]

class ADDRESS(Union):
    _fields_ = [("u_addr",SOCKADDR),

class Sock(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("socket",c_int),

#spad_server = connectls(spadServer, 1,200)
spad_server = connectls("/tmp/.i12845", 4,200)

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