
Nous sommes un peu Hors sujet, mais l'equivalent de l'organe de
protection des données suisse que vous mentionnez et notre bonne
vieille CNIL.
(Qui dispose semble-t-il de modèles de courrier à cet égard.)

Il y'a eu semble-t-il détournement des liste d'emails collectés par
les consulats et ambassades à des fins électoralistes, la presse
française s'en est fait l'écho récemment.


Martin Garnier

PS: pourquoi vouloir massacrer avec autant d'assurance la langue de
Shakespeare alors que les lecteurs de cette liste de diffusion sont
essentiellement francophones, sinon français.

2012/3/29, Sébastien FOUTREL <>:
> I am french also and like to speak french english like Monsieur
> Antoine De Caunes.
> I tried long time ago to be removed from tresor public mailing list
> but with no success.
> I understand your concern.
> Ciao.
> Le 29 mars 2012 15:04, Benoit Panizzon <> a écrit :
>> Hello
>> I'm not sure if I'm right here, but as I work at an ISP I hope to mybe
>> find
>> competent answers here :-)
>> I am a french citizen living in switzerland. Two years ago I had to renew
>> my
>> french ID and did so in the french embassy. I was asked if I had an email
>> address to get a notification, when I could come and pick it up. I have
>> not
>> got any more emails from the embassy since.
>> About two weeks ago, I started to get an incredible ammount of political
>> spam
>> refering to the french elections.
>> Some of the emails state that they are not spam, because they comply with:
>> Article L330-4 Code électoral. Does this realy apply to email addresses
>> given
>> to the embassy for other purposes, like getting a notification when to
>> pick up
>> an ID?
>> Anyway, I never agreed that my email address is put on a liste électorale
>> and
>> never premitted the french embassy to hand out my email address or other
>> personal data to marketing companies who now work for the elections and
>> tomorrow will promptly reuse my data for any other email campaign or sell
>> it
>> to anyone wanting to buy it from them.
>> I did try to unsubscribe from some of those lists, unsuccessfully. I still
>> get
>> their 'newsletters'.
>> Is there anything else which can be legaly done against political spam?
>> Like
>> for example in switzerland, the 'Préposé fédéral à la protection des
>> données
>> et à la transparence' website offers templates for legal letters to send
>> to
>> companies and authorities to request them to send you and extract of your
>> data
>> and delete it. Is there something similar in france?
>> -Benoît Panizzon-
>> SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM / Hormel's new miracle meat in a can
>> Tastes fine, saves time. / If you want something grand, / Ask for SPAM!
>>  - Hormel's 1937 jingle for SPAM
>> Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia sh:
>> ---------------------------
>> Liste de diffusion du FRnOG
> ---------------------------
> Liste de diffusion du FRnOG

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