Hi, Pierre,

>Another thing is FileSystemManager that return a FileSystemView for a User
>and why not for an FtpRequest?
I agree. We need to take care of, for example, IP adress. In fact I changed
it long time ago in my workspace, but not commited to CVS. I think I have it
as part of patch for http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FTPSERVER-19
but may be I wrong.

>I have the following problem with the UserManager I open a connection to
>another server and I store it into the User that will be returned by method
>getUserByName, an interesting thing could be that when you call
>or getUserByName methods from UserManager to pass the FtpRequest.
I'm sure the problem is that we store User in FtpRequest right after USER
command, as some fake user, and retrieve new user from UserManager after
authorization complete (PASS command).
I fixed this behaviour by adding Credentials to FtpRequest, in patch for
...but as I said before it is not in SVN yet.

Sergey Vladimirov

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