Rana Bhattacharyya wrote:
Ideally, the user manager should not/must not
depend on the ftp server implementations. If should be
self sufficient. That is the reason I am against the
idea of getting FileSystemView from FtpRequest object.

   If we observer any operating system, file has
certain relationship with the user. So the user was
the obvious choice.
But I think that a FileSystemView, could be depending from the FtpRequest for example:

How to manage different security parameter if the user is connecting inside the local network or external network? If you have only User in FileSystemView level how to know from is connecting ? and which security applying on the FileSystemView ?

I hope you understand my point of view.

The second part is not very clear. Can you please
elaborate this part so that I can understand the
Ok I try to explain to you, I have the following problem, when a user connect to the ftp server. I verify the authentication on an other system, this system return me a session that I want associate with the current ftp-session. That's why I try to use User like a session. But it doesn't work because on FileSystemView creation the FtpRequest didn't return me the User object created in UserManager but a BaseUser object. I think the problem is in method populateUser in class PASS.
I have not applied the patch, because I think it is
better to discuss about it little more. May be we can
start a mail-thread with the problem and different
possible solutions. When everybody is at the same
platform, then only we should do a major change.

Rana Bhattacharyya

Pierre Huttin

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