Ivan . wrote:
>>   Without seeing the content of these packets, I don't see how
>> Cringely can claim to know whether there's anything spyware or not
>> about it.
> It should be up to zonealarm to prove that it isn't spyware, don't you
> think?

  Have you stopped beating your wife yet?  (It should be up to *you* to 
_prove_ that you don't beat her, don't you think?)

  Once you've done that, prove you've stopped beating your dad too.

  Then prove you no longer molest penguins in dark alleyways late at night.

  BTW, can you prove you aren't a thief?

> Shouldn't they do everything they can to alley the fears of
> their customers?

  No.  I don't believe there is a duty on anyone to respond to the 
fabrications and fantasies of liars, kooks and delusional confabulators. 
These people are making massive claims with zero evidence.  The burden of 
proof lies on the accuser.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today.... 

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