One way to solve this could be to split this list into two; one
moderated and one un-moderated. All mail gets sent to the un-moderated
list, to avoid the suspicions of censorship that makes this list
different from bugtraq, and those mail that pass moderation, or is sent
from someone who is known from previous posts to be serious, will also
be sent to the moderated list.

That way anybody i able to choose between two levels of noise.

Just like open source software is often more secure, not because
everybody reads all the source code, but everybody knows that many who
really are interested in security issues reads the source, and will
report any problems.

The same goes for my idea above, no-one has to read the un-moderated
list, but everybody has the chance to do it.

Just my two cents (SEK 0.16)

/~\ The ASCII        Kenneth Ekdahl             
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 / \ Email!           

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